Chapter 8 Part III

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She just smiled and nodded. She then got up and retrieved a bottle of Patron tequila out of the freezer, along with two shot glasses, the salt shaker and some lime wedges. I just sort of stare at her.

She looks at me and smiles, "What? If we are going to start down this road, I'm going to need all the courage I can muster. After a couple of shots of this, maybe I will have enough liquid courage to get through the story I need to tell you."

"Oh Lord, this doesn't sound good. Is it too late to change my mind about this?"

"Oh yes, there is no going back now." She pours two shots. I watch as she licks the skin between her thumb and pointer finger. As she does, I get those butterflies in my stomach. I shake my head and try to focus on anything but her mouth and lips and how much I want to kiss her right now. Man, that stupid talk with Cameron and Amy really didn't help me know what I am supposed to do when I feel this way. All it did was make me realize that having a relationship with the doctor wouldn't be good for her and no matter what feelings I have for her I don't want to hurt her. She then pours salt on her hand, licks it off, takes the shot, and then bites into the lime wedge.

She then looks at me and says, "Your turn."

I began to stutter, "Wait, what? You do realize I am only seventeen, right?"

She smiles and laughs, the combination of those things makes my heart skip a few beats. She replies, "Yes, I do realize that, but as I said, we are going to need all the help we can get in order to make it through this. So, drink up. You are staying here tonight so whatever happens stays between us, okay?"

"Sure, whatever you say doc!"

As I sat there watching her, I had so many things running through my mind that before I knew what was happening, she had downed about five or six shots. I decided to just go for it and see where the night took us. I know where I would like it to take us! What the hell am I thinking? Oh well, I follow what she did and slammed the shot back. Man did that burn going down, but I have to say it felt good. She poured two more. This time, she held up her glass and motioned me to do the same.

I picked up my glass and she touched hers to mine and said, "To learning the past and moving on to new beginnings and a better future." She then tipped back her head and took the shot and I did the same. Boy, did it burn, but it felt so good. As I sat there, the warmth from my throat and stomach seemed to work its way out and it warmed me like wrapping myself in a soft blanket. She gave me that wonderful half smile that I found super sexy and I couldn't help but want to kiss her more than ever. This was going to be a long night and I'm not so sure it was a good idea for me to take those shots. I can feel my control slipping away a little bit at a time. Man, she wasn't kidding about that stuff being liquid courage. I just don't have a clue as to why the doc makes me have these feelings. I don't remember ever having these types of feelings before, but then again, I don't remember much. I start to chuckle, and she gives me a sideways glance like she is asking what was I laughing at.

"What?" I said, still chuckling at my inside joke.

"Just wondering what you are laughing at, that's all."

"Just an inside joke with myself."

"Care to share the joke?"

"Not really, but I will since what happens here tonight stays between us. I was just laughing at the fact the tequila combined with my confused emotions when I am around certain people, especially you, has me thinking that I don't ever remember feeling these things before. Then I thought, well of course I don't, because I don't remember shit from the past except the fight with Mendez and everything that has happened since I woke up in your hospital. I find that extremely funny now."

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