Chapter Three (edited)

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As I sit semi-watching the game, I try and remember anything or anyone from my past. Still the only thing I can remember is Cameron and the fight where I got my ass beat. I think I remember someone knocking the other girl off of me before she can kill me but it's all a blur. The more I think about it, I could swear that there was a women standing over me before I blacked out. I also vaguely remember waking up in the locker room and seeing a beautiful blonde standing over me also. Who knows it could have all been a dream. After the fight, all I remember is waking up in the hospital. I don't even know how we were able to get out of South Africa or what happened to Malachi? Should I be afraid that he is going to come looking for us? I have so many unanswered questions! It is so frustrating, it's like I know that there is more there but the memories are behind some locked door that I don't have the key to.

Suddenly I'm brought out of my thoughts by a basketball hitting me on the side of the head. "What the hell!" I scream. That is when I realize there is some dude standing in front of me staring.

He laughs and says, "What is your problem? Do you not speak English or something? I have been trying to get your attention for a few minutes now and you just sit there like a freak. No one ignores me in this town, and I'm especially not going to be ignored by some new chick who thinks she is better than me! If you weren't new in town, you would know who I am and that my family demands respect. What is your deal freak?"

I don't know what this guy's deal is but he is pushing my buttons. "Let me get this straight, because I am new to town and don't know you or your family and because you think that I am ignoring you, you think it is ok to throw a ball and hit me in the face and on top of that call me a freak! Dude, you don't know me or anything about me so I suggest you turn around, pick up your ball and go back to your little game before you really piss me off!"

As I finish my rant, I realize that the game has stopped and all the players are now gathered around us watching. Some begin to laugh at the fact that I am standing up to this asshole. It must not happen often.

That is when I hear a familiar voice, Jay says, "Yo! Ben let it go and let's finish the game. She isn't bothering anyone. She probably just didn't hear you."

As he spoke, I took the opportunity to study his features. I realize that while we were in school I hadn't really noticed how cute and well-built Jay was. All I noticed at school was that he had to be at least six foot eight had the most amazing blue eyes. I hadn't noticed his caramel skin and a fabulous six pack because he had on a shirt. Now that he was shirtless, I was shocked that I hadn't noticed how cute he was. The sound of dickheads voice brought me back to the here and now.

"Mind your own business Jay!" I shook my head to focus back on the confrontation at hand and away from Jay's amazing body.

I looked back to Ben and said, "Why don't you take your own advice and step off!" I thought this punk is probably just some spoiled little rich kid that probably never gets into trouble because his last name will get him out of anything. If I had to bet, he is the QB of the high school team and thinks that he owns the school. It would be so much fun to take him down a notch or two but I don't want to start any trouble. I just want to start over and go on with my life while trying to remember anything I can about the last twelve years. I stood and waited to see what his next move would be. Hopefully, he would realize I wasn't going to back down or take his shit either! He turned to walk away so I relaxed a little thinking everything was going to be ok. Yeah right, nothing in my life is ever that easy. Whatever, I didn't need this crap so I turned to walk away.

I had just turned my back to him, when I felt the ball hit me hard right between the shoulder blades. I thought, well there goes the walking away without a fight idea. Oh well, I tried! I didn't say a word, with one fluid movement I scooped up the ball and closed the gap between us. I was now about a foot away from him. My quick movement startled him but he tried not to let it show, but I saw it.

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