Chapter 7 Part IV

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"Well, I guess that could have been worse and thanks for backing me up with the Alex thing."

"Why didn't you tell her about Alex?" Amy said.

"I don't know! I think it would have led to more questions that I am just not ready to answer. It's bad enough that she is talking about being in love with her."

Amy laughs at me, "Why, because you don't know how to deal with it? I think it is good that she is making friends and maybe now she will realize her feelings towards Alex is just puppy love."

"I know. She needs to explore her emotions with people her own age. Alex will be there when the timing is better."

Amy says, "Cameron, what on earth are you talking about? The doctor is way too old to have feelings for Jessie, that's just creepy, not to mention bordering on illegal. Even if Jessie has a crush on Alex, there is no way that anything will become of it. She is just confused emotionally, and the doctor has been there for her since she woke up so it only makes sense that she would have some strong feelings about her, but they will pass."

"Trust me, I hope you are right. It is beyond creepy, but I know for a fact that Alex has feelings for Jessie."


"Now that is a long, crazy story that you will never believe. Let's just leave it for now and try to encourage Jessie to meet and date people her own age, like this Jay kid."

"Cameron, you can't tell me something like that and expect to get away with not elaborating on it. How do you know Alex has feelings for Jessie?"

"Okay, the short version is she told me, and yes, it is creepy. I just want Jessie to make some friends her own age and go to school and get an education. Alex will be there when she finishes college and then maybe if they want to date, then whatever."

"Cameron what the hell are you saying? Alex has to be at least twice Jessie's age, why would she admit to you she has feelings for your seventeen-year-old sister?"

"Like I said, it is a long story that you wouldn't believe if I told you. Let's just leave it at that!"

"Ok, whatever. I still don't understand why you won't tell Jess that Alex is the one who rescued you and that she knew your parents. I also think keeping things from her is going to come back to bite you in the ass."

"You are probably right but...I don't know. I guess I think the closer Jess gets with Alex the more likely something is going to happen between them and I'm not ready for that and neither is Jess, no matter what she thinks."

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