Chapter 12

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When we arrived back at the house, Cameron and Amy were on the back porch playing cards. We went out and I asked, "Would both of you like to join the doc and me for dinner? She has to leave tonight and will be out of town for a while so we thought a nice 'family' dinner is in order." They all three looked at me and laughed. "What is so funny?"

Cameron answered, "Nothing, it's just good to hear you call our awkward group a 'family'. Yes we would like to join you two for dinner."

"Ok then, I will run get a quick shower and change. Give me twenty minutes." As I turned to leave, I heard Cameron ask the doc to join their game.


I look at Alex and say, "Well I guess you finally found her. When I got her to answer the phone she said she was at the park with that guy Jay playing basketball and had been there since she left your place this morning. She also mentioned that she had a lot on her mind and needed a distraction. So, exactly what the hell went on last night?" Alex wouldn't look me in the eyes and she was blushing, this can't be good.

When she finally spoke, she said, "Cameron, I told you I couldn't lie to her anymore. I planned on telling her the whole truth, well almost the whole truth, but she just wasn't ready to hear it. I did tell her that I was the one who was friends with your parents and got you both out of Africa."

"What the hell, Alex!"

"I would have thought you would have told her at least that when she came to you the night before. How was I supposed to know that you left out that key? Why would you keep that from her, for that matter, why are we keeping anything from her? It is only going to hurt us all in the long run."

"Alex, we have had this discussion before and we decided not to tell her unless she asks."

"No Cam you decided that we wouldn't tell her, I just went along with it for some reason. I have changed my mind and when she asks we need to tell her the whole truth not just bits and pieces. If she asks me, I'm not leaving out any details, so if that's a problem you will just have to deal with it!"


Alex is really starting to piss me off but I really can't do anything about it. All I want to do is protect my baby sister. I guess I can see where she is coming from because if we don't learn from our past, we are bound to repeat it. I think it's time to move on to the next subject, "Where are you headed off to tonight and how long will you be gone?"

"I'm headed back to Africa, some of my people over there have some Intel on some more of the fights and they need me back there. I'm not sure for how long but I have told Jessie that I will be back before you leave for boot camp. I just think that she needs at least one of us and Amy for support right now. I did convince her to go see a good friend of my Dr. Hall. I even made her an appointment for later this week."

"That's great!"

I have a few more questions for Alex but I don't want to ask them in front of Amy. I want to keep her out of our crazy past if I can. I don't want her to get hurt if Malachi or his people do come looking for us. "Amy do you mind giving us a few minutes to talk?"

Her reply is, "No that's fine but you really don't need to keep things from me too."

"Amy some things you are better off not knowing so that you have plausible deniability since you are an attorney."

"Whatever, Cameron, one day you will find out that it is better for everything to be in the open so that all the secrets can't hurt you."

Alex smirks at that comment and says, "Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way."

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