Chapter 40

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After talking to Cam and Amy for a while, Izzy and I head upstairs. I am not looking forward to this talk. I am afraid that Izzy isnt going to understand. We take turns in the bathroom getting ready for bed and then crawl in bed.

Izzy, I need you to understand that the only reason I kissed doc was to get her blood so that I could have a chance against Malachi. I love you, please dont be mad at me.

Jess, I do understand and Im not mad anymore now that I know why you did it. It makes since to me now. How about tomorrow after we have breakfast with the doc, we go shopping for our trip and Christmas presents.

Really? You arent mad, you are the best girlfriend ever. We can do whatever you want tomorrow but now, how about we get some sleep.


After returning home from the fights, I decide to stay at my house instead of Amys. I feel like Jess and Izzy need their space to discuss what happened during the fight and I need some space. I know that the only reason Jessie kissed me tonight was to get my blood so that she had a fighting chance against Malachi. I should have known she would figure out a way. I dont blame her, and it took me awhile to realize what she was doing. The problem is that I enjoyed those kisses way too much. Im glad that we are finally rid of Malachi but now I dont have an excuse to stay close to Jessie, which is both good and bad.

Over these past few weeks, I have become used to her being around but now I need to give her and Izzy some space. After all, it was my idea for Jess to date people her own age but I had no idea she would fall in love so quickly. At any rate, I need to keep my distance and let her explore her relationship with Izzy. Im not sure what I was thinking when I came up with the idea to go to Hawaii for Christmas break. I think maybe subconsciously, I was hoping to spend some time with Jess and see what happened. How was I supposed to know that Izzys parents kicked her out and she was now staying at Jessies and now she is coming on the trip as well. Oh well, the only thing I can do now is try to have a good time and hopefully find a distraction from the feelings I have for Jess.

Somewhere in the tunnels under Las Vegas

Unknown people

Its done, now where is my money. I must get out of the country before she finds out what I have done. I need to disappear for good.

Here, this is more than enough to get you out of the country and set you up for life. Just remember do not tell anyone about this.

Trust me, I wont. When will I get the other part of the deal?

Once he recovers, he will be in touch with you. Always keep this phone on so that when he is ready he can reach you. Until then do not contact us understood.

Yes, I understand.


I know, you all hate me right now because I left you hanging at the end of the book. Look on the bright side though now you have something to look forward to. I will be continuing Jess and Alex's journey but I haven't started on it yet so it may be a while.

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