Chapter 25

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The party was a success! Cassidy and her mom were ecstatic to see each other again and other than the awkward conversation before the party it wasnt entirely bad having Jessie and Victoria in the same room together. Jessie and Izzy seemed happy and everyone was getting along great.

Then there was the conversation with Jessie in the kitchen where she asked me if I would stay with Victoria tonight so that she and Izzy could be alone. It broke my heart a little, but I agreed. I dont know why I thought I would be able to handle this, I guess because I thought I could shut off my emotions but thats not working. I told myself that I was going to have to just suck it up, this is what Jessie needs. She needs to be with people her own age and experience life to the fullest but why does it have to hurt so much.

Dont get me wrong, I still enjoy being with Victoria but its just not the same as being with Jessie. I should have never given into the temptation of Jessie and I would have never known, well at least not for a while. Well at least Victoria knows that I am in and out of town and she seems ok with it. After all, it is nice to have someone to blow off steam with.

Whatever, Im an adult and I can do this. Just when I thought I had talked myself into it, Jessie comes to find me and makes that stupid toast! Not only that, she starts to talk about maybe getting lucky tonight. What the fuck! This is way harder than I thought it would be but its my own damn fault. I should have never slept with her! I will get past this and hopefully in the future there will be an us! But first I must find Malachi so that I can be damn sure he will never hurt her or anyone else again.


I thought the party went well and I am so glad that Lexie and Cassidy hit it off so well. I dont have time to think about that tough. I need to concentrate on what I need tell Izzy tonight. I can only pray that she will be okay with what I have to say. Are you sure we have to have this talk? I can think of plenty of other things that I would rather do in a house with no adults. I say laughing.

Jessie, you promised me that you would finally let me in!

I know, and I will if thats what you want but I need to warn you some of what I have to say is going to be hard for you to hear, which is why I have this. And I hold up the bottle of tequila.

I know Jessie, but I really want to know all of you.

Trust me I want to know all of you too, but in a different way!

You are going to make this hard, arent you?

Who me? I am easy. All you have to do is start kissing me and I am all yours!

That isnt going to work, Jessie. You cant distract me that easily.

Really, what about if I do this? I say as I lean in and kiss her pulse point on her neck. Instantly, she shivers, and I know I am on to something. I move up to her ear lobe and nibble it before moving to her lips for a deep kiss that she deepens even more. She grabs my waist and pulls me close. Just as I think I may have her, she pulls away.

Nice try, you almost had me but no more of that until after you tell me your story.

I whine, But Izzy, this is so much more fun.

I know Jessie, but story first, then we will see what happens. Okay?

Alright, grab a couple of shot glasses and meet me on the couch.

She does, and we take a few shots, then I offer up a toast. I just want to say thank you for being so patient with me and trusting me even without knowing the whole story. I hope that after hearing what I have to say, you will still see me the way you do now.

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