Chapter 35

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I must admit that Jessie is good at this fighting stuff. She barely breaks a sweat in her first few matches. After the win over the Russian fighter, I cant hold back any longer. I scoop her up before I realize what Im doing and must play it off by saying I need to evaluate her. She is just so damn sexy, and I must admit she is a bad ass fighter. I have never been jealous before but that is the only way to describe what I am feeling right now. It is going to be hard to keep my feelings for her to myself, but it looks like Izzy might be staying, so I guess I will have to suck it up.

After this last fight, I am so worried about her because she did get hit during the fight. I went out after the fight and started checking her over. She thought I was crazy, but I am still worried. I mean I have seen how good she is, but I dont like seeing her get hit. We head to the training room to get ice for her eye and then over to talk to Bennie. I dont know if I can take much more of this. On one hand, I love seeing her in action but then on the other hand I hate seeing her get hit.


I walk up to the ticket booth to talk to Bennie about who he thinks I will fight in the championship. So, Bennie, who is it looking like in the championship fight?

He laughs, Well you, of course, and then depending on the fight that just finished, I think it will be the South African fighter.

Alex jumps in, Wait! What did you just say?

Bennie looks at me and I just shrug. He then says, Yep, looks like it is going to be you against the South African.

Alex looks at me and says, Jessie you cant fight her!

I reply, Why the hell not? I thought the whole reason for being here was to draw Malachi out. What better way than to fight one of his fighters?

She says, I know the plan, damn it. It was my plan but

But what, Alex? I can handle it. Dont worry.

But what if the fighter is on the drug that Joseph had Cassidy on? You may be a great fighter but if they have that in their system they will be stronger.

That may be true, but unlike last time I have you in my corner. I will be able to tell if they are using that drug just like I knew something was wrong when I fought Cassidy. This time I have a secret weapon!

Oh yeah, and what would that be Jessie?

Well you of course, I have you.

And what good will I do you while you are in the ring?

Well I know I can last at least a round against someone on the drug and that is all I need. Worst case scenario, you put a few drops of your blood in my water between rounds and it levels the playing field.

I dont know Jessie. We really dont know what side effects my blood will have in the long run.

Alex, look at me. I trust you not to let anything bad to happen to me. I will be fine, I promise. She just nods her head. There is only a fifteen-minute break between fights so we head back over to the ring. Once all the prefight stuff is handled I wait for the bell to ring and start the fight. To our surprise, Malachi, walks out to the center ring with his fighter. He looks at me and smiles. I know she is his because I remember seeing her around the compound and I also remember the trainer in the corner across from me.

The bell rings and I go to work. I walk towards the center of the ring and Anna does the same. I look into her eyes and they look clear, so I dont think she is on the drug. She throws a few jabs that I dodge and then she attempts a takedown, but I use my sprawl and block it as well. As she attempts to get up from the takedown attempt, I catch her with a knee to the chin. She stumbles but doesnt go down. She then uses a front leg kick followed by a spinning back fist. I am able to partially block the back fist, but it still stings. She smiles at me. I throw a couple of jabs to find my range and then I fake a leg kick and land a superman punch square on her nose. It immediately starts to bleed. I go to follow it up with a roundhouse kick but to my surprise she catches it and slams me onto the mat. Crap that was a sloppy kick. I should know better. She had me in full guard and is throwing punches to my face and body. I cover up, but she continues. I grab her neck and pull her to me so that she cant get a good punch in while I am holding her. I buck my hips to try and get her off me, but she is able to hang on. She breaks my grip and throws a few elbows. Then she says, Looks like you have gotten a little sloppy, Jessie.

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