Chapter Five (edited) Part I

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Dr. Alex just gave me a sideways glance and smiled. I just gave her a half smile. Great, I really didn't want a lecture or a complicated discussion on the way to the hospital. I just want to go home, curl up in bed and sleep for at least two days, and then just maybe when I wake up all of this will have been just one big, confusing bad dream.

I wasnt looking forward to this walk, as it felt like walking down death row to the electric chair. There was so much tension in the air, I didnt know what to do or say. As we were exiting the park, I had enough of the silence and said, Look Im really sorry to drag you into this mess that seems to be my life. I stopped so that I could look her in the face. That is when I noticed that the cut above her eye from the head-butt was gone. How is that possible? I just stare at her for a moment.

After a few seconds she says, Jessie you have that look on your face again. What is it about me that makes you speechless?

Everything! You are more beautiful than anyone I have ever met. Then there is the fact that I dont know how to deal with emotions, obviously! Im sure Cameron and Amy are going to be pissed at me and why wouldnt they be. I mean, I did storm out of the house after throwing a temper tantrum and then go and get into a fight. What the hell am I doing? Then, as if that wasnt enough, I kissed you in front of everyone and got reprimanded from detective Peck about it.

She said, What do you mean, you were reprimanded by Olivia?

Well she just gave me some friendly advice and said that I should be careful with something called PDA and that me kissing you might cause problems for you, and I definitely dont want that.

Whoa, Jessie! You need to just take a deep breath before you start to have a panic attack. Thank you for the compliment, but you dont need to be nervous around me. Everything is fine between us. I do know a good bit about your background thanks to talking to Cameron over the last couple of months, she chuckles. So, what do you say we just focus on getting you stitched up once we get to the hospital? Okay?

Sure, Doc, whatever you say, just know that Im sorry for everything.

Youre even sorry for telling me that I am more beautiful than anyone you have ever met? Because I liked hearing that. She chuckles.

I just shake my head and say, I hate emotions! I cant tell if you are being serious or making fun of me, and I dont know whether to be embarrassed or angry. This sucks, I feel like a two-year-old.

She just laughs and says, Jessie, I promise it will get easier the more you are around people.

Well thats not going to happen, because I have decided that I hate people! Well, maybe not all people.

We continued to walk in silence for about a block. Amazingly, the silence wasnt as awkward now. Something about the doctor drew me to her. When I was near her, I felt a sense of calm and peace like I have never before. As we turned the last corner, the hospital came into view. I could see Amys car parked in the ER parking area. Great, this should be fun. Dr. Alex cleared her throat, bringing me out of my thoughts.

She asked, How are you settling in? Are you getting used to the area?

I started to laugh, Well Im obviously not making any friends. If today is any indication of how things are going to be, I think that I am in big trouble! It has been a real shitty day! I just want to go home and sleep for a year, and maybe everything will be magically better when I wake up, but I highly doubt it. She begins to laugh at me and before you know it we were both holding our sides because we were laughing so hard.

As we walked in the door to the hospital, I saw that Amy and Cameron were already there, and by the looks on their faces, they were not happy. Cameron spoke first, Just what the hell do you two think is so funny? I dont think that any of this is a laughing matter.

The Doc said, Cool down Cameron, we were just discussing how well Jessie makes friends. She looked at me and we started laughing again.

Amy then walked over to me and held me at arms length to get a good look at me. She begins peppering me with questions, What happened? Are you ok? What the hell were you thinking?

It was just all too much for me at that moment and I yelled, Everyone just shut up for a minute! Im fine just ask the doc here, she can tell you. Also, you should see the other guy. They both turned to Dr. Alex, and she smiled and just nodded her head to confirm what I was saying was correct. I just want the good doctor to clean and stitch me up so that I can go home and hibernate for a few days.

Dr. Alex told us to follow her to exam room one so that she could get me all fixed up, and I could get out of here. While the doctor worked on my stitches, Amy and Cameron began having a conversation like they were the only ones in the room.

While Cameron and Amy were in deep conversation, I looked at the doctor and ask, Doc, how is it that your eye is already healed when it was at least as bad as the one you are now stitching up on me?

She just shrugged her shoulders and said, I guess it just looked worse than it was, and I heal pretty fast.

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