Chapter 27

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We are almost at the exit to the tunnels when my phone vibrates with a text message. I pull it out to look at it and its a number I dont recognize. I ask the group if they know the number and when they dont, I open the message.

Unknown: Im sorry, they were going to kill her if I didnt answer their questions.

Me: Who is this?

Unknown: Jessie, you need to watch out. I think they are waiting for you outside.

Me: What are you talking about?

I read the messages to the group and they are just as confused as I am. We have no clue what the messages mean. I look at Cass and say, I told you I had a bad feeling! This must be Shawn. After the fight I asked her why she didnt tap and all she would say is that they would kill her. I dont know who her is but Im guessing it is someone close to her.

Izzy looks at me and Cass and says, What should we do? Should we go back and tell someone?

About the time she got the words out of her mouth about five guys entered the tunnel. We had almost made it out when I received the texts and we stopped right inside to check them, stupid. I looked around to see exactly how many and how big they were. I counted five and they looked to be in their late twenties early thirties and looked menacing. They all had on the same leather jacket with a logo on it that I couldnt quite make out. All I could think was they must be in some sort of gang. Cassidy wasted no time in stepping in front of Lexie to protect her and I pulled Izzy behind me. Jay and Dean just stood there.

Thats when the first one spoke. Well, well, look what we have here! I thought I recognized you, but I wasnt sure until Shawn gave up your name, Jessie. She didnt want too but once we reminded her we had her baby sister, she was quick to give you up.

Who are you and what do you want with me?

Dont worry your pretty little head with who we are, just know that we know someone who has been looking for you for a long time now.

Ok, fine. Ill play your game, just let my friends go. Apparently, Im the one you want. I look at Izzy and give her the keys to the car and tell her and Lexie to, RUN!

Before Lexie could move more than two steps, one of the other guys hit her so hard it knocked her out cold. Next thing I knew Cassidy had that guy on the ground beating the crap out of him, when I was hit from behind. I glanced at Dean and Jay to see them fighting with someone as well. Someone had me from behind, so I threw my head back and connected with his nose hearing it crunch. I was released so that he could grab his nose.

I saw Cassidy checking on Lexie and I yelled, How is she? Where is Izzy?

She replied, Just unconscious. Watch out!

I instinctively ducked and threw my leg out in a sweep that knocked the other guy down. I immediately kicked him in the head as hard as I could, and he was lights out. I looked around and saw that Dean was on the ground being kicked and punched by the last two guys. I went to help when broken nose stepped in the way. He tried to punch me, but I slipped it and hit him with a hook. He tried again, and I caught him with an upper cut that knocked his ass out. I yelled for Cass, Cass we need to help Dean!

We both ran over to him as fast as we could, before we made it over to there they stopped and looked at me. I yelled, Leave him alone! About that time a few more people from the fight started walking out and saw what was happening. One of them yelled something about calling the police or something. I dont know. All I know is one of the guys looked me dead in the eyes and said, This isnt over, Jessie. He will be coming for you as soon as I tell him you are alive.

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