Chapter 30

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I dont know what the hell Im doing. There is so much stuff going on I cant think straight. Now that Jessie knows what I am, I should feel relieved, but I dont. I need to talk to someone but who. Cameron cant receive calls while at basic and Victoria is definitely out. The only other person I can think of is Amy, but I dont really know her that well.

Cassidy comes down and says that she is going to run by her place to get some clothes because she is staying here until we get Izzy back. I just nod as I stare into space. She comes and sits beside me and says, Alex are you ok?

Yesnonot really but I will be fine.

Hey, you know you can talk to me, right?

Sure, Cass, I just dont think you can help with all the things I have going on in my head.

If any of it has to do with Jessie, I say just give it a shot. I mean I can tell when you two are together how much you both care for one another, it would be hard for others not to tell as well.

Thats the thing, Cass. That is why Victoria is keeping her distance but luckily, I dont think Izzy has noticed yet but I just dont know what to do about it. I want her to be able to experience things without me being in the way, but the fact is I love her and want to be with her. I just dont want to hold her back from anything. I dont want her to be tied down at such young age.

Whoa Alex, you need to talk to her, it should be a mutual decision. Although I am new to all of this relationship stuff, so you might want to talk to someone else.

That is another problem, who? I dont really have any friends and Victoria isnt an option. I was just sitting here trying to figure out who I could talk to, normally I would talk to Cameron, but he is at basic training and cant take calls. I was just thinking maybe Jessies Aunt Amy, but I dont know her that well. Any way you go on and I will figure something out.

Sure, Alex but talk to Jessie. Oh, I am probably going to stop by and see how Lexie is doing.

I will. Thanks for listening and say hello to Victoria for me.

As Cass walks out, I decide to call Amy and see if we can talk when I take Jess to get some clothes. I dial her number and she answers on the first ring, Hey Alex is everything ok?

Well that is a loaded question! Jessie is fine, we are on her way to you now to grab some clothes. The reason I called is, I wanted to know if you had time to talk.

Amy replies, Sure, is it about Jessie?

I said, Look I know we dont know each other well but with Cameron gone I just really need someone to talk to. I will understand if you dont feel comfortable with this, but I had to ask.

No, it is fine. I would be happy to meet and talk or whatever you need. Im not sure how much help I will be, but I am more than happy to talk.

Great, Im going to bring Jess over to get some clothes and things so can we talk then?

Sure that will be fine, see you soon.

Alright, thanks a lot Amy. I will stop and bring some beer or wine, which do you prefer?

How about you bring some red wine.

Sounds good, I will see you in about an hour.


The doc takes me home so, shower, change and grab some extra clothes while she talks to Amy. I feel like something has changed in the docs attitude about our relationship, but I cant be sure. I feel like I am getting a little better with all these emotions, but it is still hard. I really miss Izzy and I just hope she is ok. On the way to the house Alex stops and picks up some wine, which I think is strange. I ask, Whats that for?

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