Chapter 16

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After Jessies hearing, I grab a quick lunch with Amy before heading over the Dr. Halls office. I am supposed to go in and talk with her about our past so that maybe she can help Jessie by having a better understanding of some of what we went through in South Africa.

As I pull in the parking lot at the Dr.s office, I receive a text message from Alex.

Alex: Cameron, Jessie has a date tonight. Make sure she is at my house by eight so that Lexie can pick her up.

Me: What the hell are you talking about Alex?

Alex: LOL, Lexie the receptionist at Victoria's office asked Jessie out and I kind of thought it would be a good idea, so I accepted it for Jessie. Only problem is Jessie is pissed.

Me: I don't understand what you are doing.

Alex: Look, she needs to figure things out for herself I'm just helping her out some. It is not the right time for us, but I don't want her to sit around and wait for it to be right. I want her to explore things and have fun.

Me: Whatever, I will make sure she goes.

Alex: Thanks

Me: Be careful Alex and come home soon.

I shake my head as I walk towards the office door. I don't know what Alex is trying to do but I do agree that Jessie needs to have fun before settling down and Alex will be around for a long time, probably longer than all of us.

I walk into the office and up to the receptionist, where I am greeted by a friendly young girl. Hello, welcome to Dr. Halls office. How may I help you?

I'm here to see Dr. Hall, she is expecting me. My name is Cameron.

She smiles, Oh you are Jessies brother. You just missed her and Alex. They were just here a little while ago.

Yeah Alex text me. Are you Lexie?

She blushed and said, Yes I am. How did you know?

Alex text and told me that you asked Jessie out on a date tonight.

Yes, sir I did. Is that ok? I wont keep her out too late. We are just going to grab a quick dinner and then a movie. I will have her home by midnight. If thats ok with you.

I laugh, Sure, no problem. But you should know she isnt really a people person and is clueless in social situations.

Yes, sir she told me.

Just then the door opened, and the Dr. came out. Hey, you must be Dr. Hall. Im Cameron, Jessies brother.

Nice to meet you Cameron, come on back to my office.

I follow her back to her office. We chat for over an hour about what happened to Jessie and I in South Africa. I told her everything that I told Jessie at our last family dinner. She asks me a few questions about things that happened, and I told her what I knew. I also let her know that I hoped Jessie wouldnt regain all her memories so that she could start over and have a normal life here. She said she understood my concern but that it might not be that simple. Her main concern was what happened at the fights and how we were punished. I explained that every persons punishment was different depending on what the crime was. The crime determined the punishment and the only ones that knew what happened was the one being punished and the ones doing the punishing, so I didnt exactly know what kind of punishment Jessie went through except what she would tell me which was nothing.

Dr. Hall also asked me about how Jessie was acclimating to everyday things, like phones and driving. She also asked about school and how Jessie was going to be placed and things like that. I explain to her that after Jessie went home from the hospital, we met with the principal of the school to create a plan. Jessie had to take some placement test to see what grade level and everything she was reading on along with math. Jessie has always been smart and always reading anything she could get her hands on so that part wasnt a problem. Math was a little harder because I only knew so much and taught her all I knew. In the end, the school placed her in classes that they felt she could handle and if she catches on quickly they can move her up if they see fit. She will need to take classes during the summer to be able to catch up completely and graduate on time. As far as driving and technology, she picked that up quickly, maybe even faster than I did.

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