Chapter 20

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Somewhere in Johannesburg, South Africa

Well, tonight is the night of the fight. Hopefully everything will go smoothly, and I can be back home in a few days. I wonder how Jessies date went. Im surprised that she hasnt at least text me about it, maybe she is still pissed. She just doesnt realize how hard it is for me to see her with someone else but it is for her own sake. Luckily one of my powers as a vampire is that I can usually control my emotions very well. I can usually just shut off all emotions, except when it comes to her. I dont know why but I just cant seem to cut off the love I have for her. I must work extra hard on controlling the emotions I have when Im around her. Get it together, Alex, you need to focus on tonights mission.

I walk into the warehouse we are using for a home base and everyone is already there waiting on me to give the briefing. I say hello and start in on the plan for tonight. I will have three guys and me working as security. There will be one guy posted at each of the three exists and I will be a roamer. The rest of the team will be outside waiting for my signal to breach. The goal here is to keep anyone from leaving while we arrest the owners of the fighters and the ones holding the fights. If we can do this, it would go a long way in shutting down the fight circuit. I look at everyone and say, Does everyone understand what you are supposed to do? Everyone nods an affirmative. Ok, then go suit up!

I walk away to head to get dressed for the op. We need to leave in the next hour to report for our security detail at the fight venue. As I walk to where my gear is stored, I shoot off a quick text to Jessie. For some reason, I just need know how the date went.

Me: Hey, how did your date go? It takes her about fifteen minutes to reply which isnt like her. She normally replies right away.

Jessie: The date with Lexie was ok but the one with Izzy was great. Sorry it took so long to reply I was still sleeping.

Me: Its like three in the afternoon your time. Why are you still sleeping? Are you getting sick?

Jessie: No doc, Im not getting sick. We went into Vegas last night and I didnt get in until around six this morning. Why do you care anyway?

Me: You did what? Does Cameron know about this?

Jessie: Yes, he knows. I ask before I went. Its no big deal, I had never been and Izzy and Jay had the idea so we all went walked around. Again, why do you care?

Me: Jessie, I care because I cant lose you again. I have just found you!

Jessie: Look doc, you confuse me beyond anything in this world. You are the one who made me go on the date with Lexie even after you knew how I felt about you.

Me: I know Jessie, but that doesnt mean I dont care. I do and I need you to understand that I will always care about you its just not right for us to be anything other than friends right now.

Jessie: Look doc, I think I understand better now after talking Dr. Hall. I am going to continue seeing Dr. Hall, even though the thought of you and her makes me sick. Before you say anything, I know, the timing isnt right for us and maybe never will be. However, I still need you in my life. I miss having you around even if it is as friends so please be safe and come home soon.

Me: Im glad you have friends that can help you talk things out. You need to be around people your own age so that you can learn from them what you missed being a slave. You are learning quickly how make friends that you can trust. Im proud of you and I will always be around when you need me.

Jessie: Thanks, doc. Im sorry if I acted like a baby the last time you were here, I was just confused about the night we had spent together and why you were pushing me away. Like I said after talking to Dr. Hall, she helped me understand some of the emotions I was having. Oh, just so you know I really had a good time with Izzy and I am planning on seeing her again today. Lexie and I decided to just be friends. She is on the basketball team also, so her and Izzy already know one another.

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