Chapter 15

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The next morning my alarm went off at ten, as I reached to turn it off I couldn't move. What the heck? Then I realized that sometime during the night Izzy had draped her arm across my waist and had me pinned down with half her body on top of me. When I tried to move she just pulled me tighter. I wasn't sure what to do so I shook her a little and she didn't budge. So I shook her a little harder and said, "Izzy, I need to get up. I have court in a few hours."

She finally opened her eyes a little and said, "Ok, see you later."

"Izzy, wake up! You are practically on top of me and I need to get a shower and get ready."

This got her attention, "What are you talking... oh shit! I'm so sorry I was sleeping and I don't know what..."

I interrupt her laughing, "Izzy it's ok. I just need to get up."

She jumped off of me and out of the bed turning red with embarrassment. Before I could even say anything, she was in the bathroom with the door closed. I turned off the alarm and walked to the door knocking on it. I thought I heard a sniffle but the door opened and Izzy was standing there with what looked like tears in her eyes. Instinctively I reached for her, pulling her into a hug. "What's wrong, Izzy? Why are you crying?"

She immediately pulled away from me saying, "Jessie, I'm sorry. I wasn't trying anything I promise. I got cold and you were warm. That's all, I promise."

"Whoa, Izzy, slow down it's ok. It is fine. I'm not offended or anything, I just needed to get up. There is no reason to be upset, we are good."

"Are you sure? I really like you Jessie and I don't want to do anything to jeopardize our friendship. I really enjoy spending time with you and having someone other than Jay to talk about things with. I just feel like I can be the real me with you and not have to hide who I really am."

"Izzy, really it is fine. I like being around you to and you never have to hide anything from me. I might not understand everything but I am here for you."

"Ok, thanks. That really means a lot to me, Jessie. I should really get home."

She turns to walk away but I realize that I really enjoy being with her and waking up with her in my arms, even if it was unintentional it was nice. I grab her hand and turn her to face me. I look into her eyes and have that feeling of butterflies in my stomach. She raises her eyebrows at me in a questioning way. I finally find my words, "Hey Izzy, you said you would help me figure out emotions, right?"

She smiles, "Yeah, why? What's going on?"

"Well don't freak out on me but I may have enjoyed waking up with you on top of me and now I have what feels like a million butterflies in my stomach. What do you think that means?"

She turns red and laughs, "It could mean a couple of things but I hope it means that you may be realizing that you like me for more than just a friend."

"Why do you hope that I like you for more than a friend? What else is there?"

Again she laughs, "Well I told you I was gay right?"

"Yeah, so. I told you that doesn't bother me."

"Right. Ok, I am just going to throw it out there."

"Izzy what the hell are you talking about? I told you I'm not good at this kind of thing..." Before I could say anything else, she stepped closer to me and grabbed the sides of my face and pulled me in to a kiss. For a second, I was scared to death but then the feeling in my stomach started spreading to other regions of my body and that's when it hit me. I have the same feelings for Izzy as I do the doc. Maybe Dr. Hall was right! Maybe the doc is just safe for me. I don't know. What I do know is that kissing Izzy is amazing. I don't want to stop but I feel like I need some more clarification so I pull away.

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