Chapter Four (edited)

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She broke the silence saying, You seem to have that look a lot when I am around, and you never have anything to say! Do I scare you? Oh, and ouch, that head butt hurt, Im going to have a black eye. Dr. Alex stood in front of me smiling as I continued to stare at her.

I finally snapped back to reality and started rambling, Where did you come from, sorry I didnt know who grabbed me, what happened?

Whoa slow down, Jessie. I was on my lunch break. I usually walk here to get out of the hospital for a little while. Besides, its only a couple of blocks away. I saw the fight and recognized you and grabbed you to keep you from killing that poor boy. I could see he was out cold, but the look on your face was one that made you look as if you were going to kill him. The rest of the crowd was just standing there watching, so I pulled you off.

I was waiting on Cameron or Malachi to tell me to stop. Im not supposed to stop until they tell me too. Where am I? This isnt a cage fight. I was so confused. I looked around and saw a couple of guys around Bens body, and thats when I remembered the confrontation.

As I stood there surveying the scene, I remembered how this whole thing started and looked at Dr. Alex and said, I tried to walk away, I did but he just wouldnt stop talking shit and then he charged me, and I guess my muscle memory took over, I dont know. Jay tried to stop him, but he just charged me again and then I dont know what happened, but I wasnt fighting him anymore. I was back in the cage fighting Mendez and I was waiting for Cameron or Malachi to tell me to stop, but they didnt so I just kept hitting him. I reached up to wipe the sweat out of my eye, but it wasnt sweat, it was blood. Great, this should be fun to explain to Cameron and Amy! I looked up into the Dr.s amazing eyes and thats when I noticed that she too had a trickle of blood coming from her right eyebrow. Without even thinking, I reached over and gently wiped the blood with my thumb and as I did, my hand lingered a little longer than normal as I felt that same electricity as before when she touched me in the hospital.

As we stood there staring at one another, I heard someone clear their throat and I quickly withdrew my hand from her face and said, Im really sorry! and started to walk away. She grabbed my wrist and spun me around so that I was just inches from her.

She looked deep into my eyes and said, There is nothing to apologize for, you were just reacting to the situation. As she was speaking, all I could do was look at her lips and wander what they would feel like pressed to mine. I couldnt take it, I had to know what she tastes like. I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers and surprisingly, she didnt pull away. She deepened the kiss. It was the most amazing thing I had ever done. Then she ran her tongue across my lips, asking for permission to enter. I let a moan as I opened my mouth to let her in. It was like we were the only two people in the whole world. I had forgotten everything that had just happened until I heard a voice say, Um, excuse me. Just like that, the kiss was over, and I was standing there breathless with my mouth hanging open with nothing to say once again. Thats when I realized there was a cop standing there!

We both quickly looked toward her, but Dr. Alex simply smiled and said, Jessie, just calm down and let me look at your face. It looks like you will need a few stitches, but nothing looks broken. Im going to check on the other guy while you calmly answer the police officers questions. Okay?

Sure doc, thanks. With that she turned and walked away. As I watched her walk away I thought to myself, what the hell am I doing! Again, the clearing of a throat brought me back to the present. The police officer was waiting patiently for me to give her my undivided attention. So, I did, Okay, lets get this over with.

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