Chapter 6 Part II

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As I lay in bed later that night recounting the days events, I thought of something. Right before the doc broke up the fight, I saw a streak- then the next thing I knew I was being held from behind by her. Also, while talking to Jay at the hospital, he mentioned that she was faster than anybody he had seen because all he saw was a blur as she ran by. This made me think back to the fight with Mendez, I swore that there was also a streak before she was knocked off me, but since then I thought it was just part of a dream. However, now I dont know what to think. Can it just be a big coincidence? Who knows, my life is just one big confusing mess!

By Sunday afternoon, I was beginning to go stir-crazy, so I decided to take a jog by the park and see if Jay happened to be there. Sure enough, he was on the court playing a game of 3 on 3, and luckily, I didnt see Ben. I decided to sit and watch for a bit.

Once the game was over, Jay noticed me sitting there and came over to join me. Hey, I thought you werent a people person, he said, laughing.

Im not, hence the reason Im sitting here alone, I smiled. I was going crazy being cooped up in the house, so I decided to take a jog and here I am. I saw you playing and thought I would see what the game was all about. I look over toward the court and see Jays friends eyeballing us and say, Looks like your friends are waiting on you. Do you need to get back to them?

Nah, we were just finishing up and getting ready to go grab a bite to eat before heading home. Want to join us for some food?

Nope, not a people person, remember?

Well, why dont you meet me back here in about an hour. I will show you a few things, if you want?

Sure, why not, I say.

Awesome, see you back here in about an hour!

Ok I say. I watch him, and his friends walk away and think, what the hell did I just get myself into?

I decided to go get some ice cream while I waited on Jay. There was a little stand right by the park, so I got a cone and then hung out, exploring the park a little. It was a lot bigger than I would have thought with this being such a small town. When I get back over to the basketball courts, I see that Jay is there, shooting hoops by himself. I watch him for a minute without him noticing me. He is very graceful and athletic, as well as very nice looking. I realize that I may be enjoying looking at him at little too much, which confuses me. As I stand there watching him, I become more and more frustrated with myself and my feelings. I never had to deal with anything like this before, that I know of. I guess Im just going to have to see what happens and maybe have a discussion with Cameron or Amy on feelings. Although, that conversation will be awkward with either one of them. Hell, maybe I do need a therapist just to help me figure out my everyday emotions!

Whatever. Jay sees me and starts to walk over to me. I meet him halfway and apologize. Sorry, Im late. After you left, I decided to explore the park a little. It is a lot bigger than I wouldve thought.

He smiles, No problem. I was beginning to think you had changed your mind, not being a people person and all. Yeah, it is big, but there are some better ones not too far outside of town, but they are more for hiking or mountain biking.

I think Im just having trouble adjusting to my new surroundings. Things are just so different here compared to living in South Africa. But enough about me. What did you want to show me?

Nothing really, I just wanted to spend some time with you and get to know you. He says with a confident smile.

In my head, Im screaming, really! Did he just ask me to meet him, so he could flirt with me? I just cant catch a break. I mean I do find him attractive but that isnt the point. I simply stand there looking at him, Im just tired of being confused and pissed all the time, so I start to walk away without saying a word. This week cant get any worse!My walking away must have stunned him, because I was halfway to the street before he caught up to me.

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