mora's like, damn she's like the hottest thing on the planet

Start from the beginning

Lucas huffed in frustration, pointing towards Silas, "I was nine and you!" Pointing towards Chris, "I'm burning your eggs."


"I'm so nervous." Cosima whispered, nervously looking down at the groceries her father had just brought home from shopping for an hour.

Looking up from unpacking the grocery bags, Kimora frowned before making her way over to her sister. Pulling her into her arms, Kimora kissed Cosima's cheeks. "Look, ever since you've been taking those classes, you've been amazing at this. Your food is good, okay?"

Cosima's sighed, lifting a hand to stick her curly hair behind her ear. "I know, it's just...what if I mess up? I'm going to be so embarrassed if they don't like it—"

"Hey, hey. It's going to be okay. I'll even help you taste everything to make sure it tastes great. It doesn't have to be perfect, Cosima."

Cosima nodded, "I know, there's a lot of people coming."

Kimora smiled, "Silas loves your food, okay? And what ever he likes, Jennifer likes too. Christian doesn't even care what he eats, he'll eat burnt food if he's hungry."

Cosima smiled, "What about Lucas?"

Kimora frowned, "He'll eat it and won't say anything, even if it tastes like shit."

Cosima scowled, pushing Kimora away that she laughing softly. "I'm kidding." Sighing Kimora took a hold of Cosima's hand. "Thanks for this, by the way. I wouldn't have been able to have everything ready without you."

Cosima smiled, "You can ask me for anything, I'll always be here for you."

Kimora smiled, "Come on, let's get the food ready."


"How much people is coming?" Christian asked, his head popping out between the passenger and driver's seat to look towards Silas. "It's just Kimora's family. Her dad, brother and her sister. She said her grandmother might come down but she doesn't know about me yet so..."

Jennifer gulped, watching the trees pass as they neared Kimora's house. Noticing his mother's pale appearance, Silas looked towards her. "Ma, you okay? Do we need to stop?"

Jennifer shook her head, "No, it's okay, honey."

Silas frowned, "You sure, ma? It's okay to stop for five minutes."

Jennifer gulped, shaking her head, "No, I'll just let the window down."

Silas nodded, watching as his mother rolled down her window and take huge gulps of air in before she relaxed against her seat. Silas sighed, looking towards the front of the car again and looked towards the gravel road that lead to Kimora's house.

Once the car was parked at the side of the house, Lucas locked the car and waited for Jennifer as she lead the group to the house. She froze mid step, a scent catching her attention and she frowned. Shaking her head, she lifted her hand to knock onto the front door onto to freeze as the door was pulled open and the scent hit her.

A scent she had been waiting to smell since she turned seventeen.

A man stood at the door, a wide smile across his face. He had blue eyes that looked down at everyone with warmth, his smile was bright and it had Jennifer's heart pounding in her chest. He had dark brown hair that was slightly starting to grey but it didn't do anything to effect his appearance. He was a handsome man and Jennifer had to gulp and stiffen her posture to ensure she didn't jump the poor man.

"Hey, come in." His voice sent shivers down the older woman back and she frowned. She shouldn't be feeling this, she's too old to be feeling like a high school girl.

The man gaze landed on her and his smile flattered, his eyes widening at the sight of her before he shook his head, as if to snap himself out of something. "I'm Richard, Kimora's..."

Jennifer held her breath, Please be an uncle.

"I'm Kimora's father, you must be Jennifer. Please come on in, the tables set and Kimora can't wait to serve you guys."

Jennifer smiled, her heart banging painfully as she watched Richard avoid looking at her.

She took in a shaking breath. The goddess was definitely punishing her for her past sins.

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