Untitled Part 28

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"Paris? Wake up. You need to eat." Sid said quietly in my ear.

"My head hurts." I groaned, hearing him laugh.

"I know babe. Eat something. You'll feel better." Sid told me. I sighed and sat up, pulling the sheet around my chest.

"No more drinking with Mick." I told him as he laughed.

"No babe. No more. If it makes you feel better, Mick feels just as bad as you do today." Sid grinned, handing me some soup. I took it and slowly started eating.

"A little." I grinned.

"You looked hot last night. Not that you normally don't, but I'm just putting that out there." He grinned as we ate. I laughed a little.

"That was for you actually." I grinned, watching his smile grow more.

"I was hoping it was." He laughed.

"Shit, I almost forgot. Here." Sid said, handing me an envelope. I eyed him up curiously.

"Just open it." Sid shrugged.

Setting my soup down, I opened the envelope. It was a card with a pig on the front of it. Nothing else, just a picture of a pig. I opened the card and laughed.

"Paris, sorry I was a shithead. Craig." I laughed. Sid started laughing.

"He didn't say it, but he felt really bad about being an asshole." Sid told me.

"I was more surprised than anything." I said, setting the card on the nightstand. I picked up my soup and finished it off.

"Here, drink this." Sid handed me a Gatorade. I swear I downed it in about two seconds.

"Jesus, get a drink once in a while." Sid laughed.

"I was busy throwing up earlier." I grinned.

"Glad I missed that." He laughed.

"Sid, my life has never been this drama filled before. I'm sorry you were drug into all of my problems. Before all of this, I seriously just stayed home and worked all the time. I'm sorry." I told him. He grinned softly at me.

"I know this. At first, I'll be honest, I was kinda nervous about all of it. But, I realized it was all things that had been in the works for years. Does that make sense?" He asked. I nodded.

"I also realized that none of it was your fault. You can't control what other people do. Sometimes everything just happens at once. That's what happened here. You don't have anything to be sorry for." He told me.

"Um, the drug dealers was kinda all me." I told him.

"That was one exception. But, I've also been where you were too before. You can't beat yourself up too much over that." He told me. I nodded.

"Feel a little better?" He asked.

"Yeah. Thank you." I told him. He laughed suddenly and looked at me.

"You just thank me for sex?" He grinned, making me laugh hard.

"Yes." I giggled, watching him crawl on top of me.

"Oh yeah? Wanna thank me again in a little bit?" He grinned, kissing my neck.

"Hell yeah." I smiled.

The next morning there was a knock on my door. Sid and I threw some clothes on and he answered it. I heard Corey before I saw him.

"Where the hell is Joey?" Corey asked walking in.

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