Untitled Part 3

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Two months later

I haven't seen Sid since he took me to get my stitches out. After he brought me home that day, he said he would see me later, then that was it. I refuse to ask Joey about where he has been, as that seems childish and slightly stalker like, in my opinion.

So far, no word from Joss, and I'm very relieved. Joey has been on edge for almost two months, waiting for my brother to make an appearance.

What have I done? Thrown myself into work like I always do. I even took other people's work so I could stay busy. It helps keep my mind off of everything bothering me, which is alot at the moment.

I sat in my room, typing away at my computer. I can hear the guys downstairs, but I don't feel like socializing. I feel like most of them know too much about me. I never should of said anything to Sid about my brother.

Sitting back in my chair, I rubbed my dry eyes. Glancing at the clock, I was surprised to see it was ten at night. Needing a break, I pulled on my tighter fitting, ouija board black zip up hooddie.

I pulled down my hair, and brushed it. Recently, I felt it was time for a change hair color wise. I had burgundy and blonde highlights added to my hair color. It really did a lot for me, which did surprise me.

Sighing, I headed downstairs and saw Joey, Corey, Chris, and oh, look at that, Sid. Except Sid is with another female. Why wouldn't he be? I really am an idiot some days.

The girl he is with is wearing entirely too much make up. She has on a lowcut blouse, and her boobs are shoved up, almost popping out of the shirt. Classy, let me tell ya. They all looked up at me and smiled. Well, everyone but Sid's girlfriend. She frowned at me with her jet black hair and matching eyes. Whatever. I'm not in the mood.

"Look who came out of her room." Corey smirked.

"Yeah, it's called working." I said.

Corey seems to enjoy making me feel uneasy, or awkward even. He says shitty things that he means as a "joke," but I know they're not jokes. He's kind of a prick is what I've learned lately.

"Have a beer with us." Chris grinned. I shook my head and smiled a little.

"Not tonight. Thanks though." I said, walking to the kitchen.

Opening the fridge, I found a bottle of water. I grabbed it and closed the fridge, shrieking when Corey was standing on the other side of the door.

"For fucksake, man!" I yelled.

He just laughed and moved around me to grab a beer. He grabbed two, taking my water from me, replacing it with a beer. I looked at him and blinked.

"One won't kill you." Corey grinned.

"I'm sorry. I'm not into socializing tonight." I told him. Corey opened his beer and took a drink, staring back at me.

"Have a beer. Just one, then you can run off to your room and do what ever work you need to do." He said snidely.

I narrowed my eyes at him. Holding the bottle, I pressed it against his chest, bringing his other hand up to hold it.

"I'm good." I snapped.

"Ok. Talk to me. What's up? You're being bitchy." He grinned.

"And you're an asshole." I said. Corey raised his eyebrows and laughed.

"Gonna have to do better than that sweetheart." He smiled, taking a drink. I shrugged and grabbed my water out of the fridge.

"Corey, I'm not in the mood to have a pissing contest with you. I'm really not." I sighed.

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