Untitled Part 18

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Sid's POV

I smiled, watching Paris lay on a towel in the sand. Not only does she have a bikini on, which holy fucking shit she is hot in it, but she is relaxed. Really relaxed.

I knew she was almost asleep. How can you not fall asleep in the hot Florida sun? It's easy to do. I love being here with her.

"Baby? Are you awake?" I asked.

"Barely." She mumbled.

"How about we head back. I'm exhausted." I told her.

She nodded, and we gathered up our stuff. We walked back to the hotel, and I heard the shower start. I grinned, when I heard the glass door shut.

We have been in Florida for two weeks now. The funerals took alot out of Paris and me. We were both exhausted, angry, sad, depressed. Leaving for a while was what we both needed.

Paris has been acting....odd. That is the only word I can use. It's like she's here but she's not, know what I mean? It worries the hell out of me. She hasn't cried, or really talked to me much since we've been here.

I'm trying to be patient, but it's wearing thin. Every time I try and talk to her, she says she doesn't want to talk about it. I asked Joey through texts how worried I should be. He responded with very worried.

I heard the door of the shower open and close again. Paris walked out with a towel around her. There's a first. This is the girl that acts like being naked all the time is normal.

"Paris? We need to talk." I told her. She pulled out some clothes.

"I don't want to Sid. Not sure how many times I need to say it." She sighed.

Did I mention she can be a royal asshole when she's like this? Yeah, she is. I love the girl, but goddamn.

"Fine. Then you sit and listen." I told her. Paris rolled her eyes and walked to the bathroom.

Now, I'm pissed. Paris isn't the type of girl to just blow off anyone's feelings. She just gave me a big fuck you. This is what has been happening for the last two weeks. I waited for her to finish changing, and when she came out of bathroom, I made her sit on the bed. Crossing her arms she stared at me. I knelt down in front of her.

"Stop this shit. You realize you have basically told everyone to fuck off for the last two weeks, me included?" I asked her.

"Sid, maybe I need a little time to get over some shit." Paris glared.

"I get it. I do. But, you weren't the only one who went through something Paris." I told her, feeling my anger boil.

"I'm aware, Sid. I'm sorry that my life has inconvenienced you." Paris snapped.

Did she just fucking say that to me? She got off of the bed, and I stood up quickly, blocking her path to the door.

"Hey, stop. You realize how shitty that was just now?" I growled at her.

"Move, Sidney." Paris said through clenched teeth. My anger is about to boil over, and I'm trying so hard to stop it.

"Calm down, Paris." I said calmly, even though I'm ready to snap.

"No. You don't get to tell me how to feel. You have no right!" Paris yelled. She went to move past me and I blocked her.

"Get the fuck out of my way!" Paris yelled, shoving me.

"Just stop! Stop this shit!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

Oh fuck! I watched her shriek and jump away from me. My hand went over my mouth, surprised at my own actions. I've never yelled at a female like I just did her. I feel fucking terrible now.

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