Untitled Part 20

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Sid's POV

Earth Bonding Day. Fuck, I love hippies. When we got to her parents place, I couldn't believe how many cars and people were there. We finally parked and got out, making our way towards the woods around the back of the house.

What stood before us was nothing short of amazing. Holy fuck! Her parents have a small stage set up, and a shit ton of tents are already set up for people to stay in.

People old and young are everywhere, with joints and bongs. Beer kegs are everywhere. I think everyone here is wearing a tie dyed shirt or something close to it. All walks of life are gathered around in a peaceful manner. I fucking love it!

"Fuck yes." Joey sighed happily when we walked into the woods.

"Bonnie better have the giant slip and slide set up." Paul grinned.

As soon as he said that, I heard a familiar laugh, then a shriek. We all turned and saw Paris in shorts and a bikini top being thrown over a guys shoulder. They both disappeared down a hill.

"Fuck yeah! Slip and slide!" Paul laughed, as we walked over to the top of the hill.

"Fuck me!" I laughed, when I stood at the top of the hill.

A large plastic slip and slide went all the way down a huge hill. At the bottom of the hill, is a large pond. Her parent live across the street from where Mia lived, and they seriously have their own pond.

Paris and the guy emerged from the water. I raised an eyebrow when I saw the guy up close. It's safe to say this dude works out all the time. This fucker doesn't have an ounce of fat on him. His freshly shaved head and multiple tattoos, would make any woman drool over him.

"Who is that?" Jim asked, nodding at the guy helping Paris out of the pond.

"Rhino. Remember? He stopped over the one day when you and Corey were there?" Joey asked.

"Her brother's friend, right?" Corey asked.

Joey nodded, and I relaxed some. I saw two other huge, well built dudes helping people out of the pond. I looked at Joey, and he laughed.

"That's Blaze and Macky, friends of Joss's. It's cool man." Sid grinned.

"I didn't say anything." I laughed.

"He was clearly thinking it." Mick laughed.

Goddamn, my girlfriend is hot. She finally made her way up to us, completely soaked. I smiled when she got closer, giving me a wet hug.

"Hey." She smiled at me.

"Hey." I grinned giving her a kiss.

"Fucking gross!" Craig yelled, walking away.

We were laughing, because he just throws some shit out there sometimes.

"Boys!" I heard Bonnie call out to us happily. Paul lit up, and ran to hug Bonnie.

"Bonnie!" Paul laughed, letting her go.

"I'm so glad you boys made it. I have brownies." Bonnie smiled.

"No shit, mom. Jesus christ, there is something besides pot brownies you can make." Paris told her. Bonnie smiled sweetly at us.

"She is such a little asshole some days." Bonnie said just as sweet.

We are laughing our asses off. Bonnie says shit in such a nice voice too. It's great. Bonnie walked over and linked arms with Paul, and Mick, pulling them to walk with her.

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