Untitled Part 23

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"Paris?" Sid whispered in my ear the next morning.

"Hmm?" I muttered.

"Wake up, babe." Sid said louder. I opened my eyes and looked up at him.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"We need to get up." Sid said in a tone I've never heard before.

"Sid?" I asked. Sid looked at me, and rubbed his forehead.

"Joey called. He wants you to come home." Sid told me.

"What? Why?" I asked. I rubbed my eyes.

"Not sure. He sounds worried." Sid said. I grabbed my phone and called Joey.

"Hey. Come home. Please?" Joey asked when he answered.

"Tell me what is going on." I said. Joey does not sound right at all.

"Paris, I just need you to." Joey said.

Right then, I knew something was wrong. That's a code we used when Joss was was there. That would be Joey's way of telling me something was way off.

"Is Rhino there?" I asked.

"Yeah." Joey said quietly.

"I'm calling the cops." I said.

"Yep." Joey said.

"Is it just you inside?" I asked.

"Nope." Joey said.

"Ok. I love you Joey." I whispered, my body filling with fear.

"Me too. See you soon." Joey hung up. I dropped the phone and pulled my clothes on.

"Why is Rhino there?" Sid asked, getting his clothes on.

"No idea. I have to call the police." I said through tears.

"Paris, everything is going to be fine." Sid told me.

"No, it won't be." I whispered, picking up my phone.

I called the police, and explained the situation. By the time I hung up, Joey called back.

"On your way?" He asked.

"Yeah the police are." I whispered.

"He left Paris. Get out of Sid's house now." Joey said panicked.

"How does he know..." I asked.

"Go! Please! Just get home!" Joey yelled.

"Ok." I hung up. I looked at Sid.

"We have to leave now." I told him.

Sid didn't say anything. He grabbed my hand and his keys and we went outside. We got in his car and pulled down the driveway. A car blocked us, and Rhino got out. My body shook in fear, as he approached the car. Rhino had a gun in his hand. Sid looked at me terrified.

"Get out, Paris." Rhino said. I'm shaking, and can barely move.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

Rhino yanked the door open, pulling me out. Sid opened his door, and stood outside of it.

"Hey, man. What's going on?" Sid asked him.

"Say goodbye to Sid." Rhino said, holding a gun on me. I can feeling tears pouring out of my eyes.

"Rhino, stop." I begged him.

"No! You know it has to be this way! You wouldn't listen to me!" Rhino said.

Sweat poured down his face. He looks crazy, just like Joss did. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into him.

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