Untitled Part 27

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Three weeks of not talking to Sid, and going out of my way to avoid him had made me exhausted. We are now in Florida of all fucking places, and all I can think about is the last time I was here.

Pushing the thoughts out of my head, I focused on checking into my hotel room. I grabbed my key card, and headed to my room.

The pure joy of not having to share a bunk with Corey, has made me almost elated. Jesus fucking christ! That dude is needy as all hell when he sleeps. I have no idea how any woman would enjoy sleeping next to him when he locks you into a a fucking bear hug while you sleep.

Opening the door of my room, I sighed happily. Quiet. So peacefully quiet. I smiled, and flopped on the bed. Oh my God, a bed! Two months of sharing a Goddamn bunk has made my back throb in pain.

I just remembered there was a balcony I can lay out on. Thank God! I quickly changed into my bright blue bikini, and headed to the balcony. Getting settled in the lounge chair, I put my sunglasses on and laid back. The sun beat down on me, and never in my life have I been so glad for the damn sun!

I can feel myself relaxing, and almost ready to doze off, when I heard the sliding glass door of the room next to mine open. Not caring who was there, I flipped over onto my stomach. A loud sigh that I knew all too well, made me glance over my shoulder.

Sid leaned on his balcony staring at me. I sighed and laid back down on my stomach.

"You are gonna fucking burn." Sid told me.

"Don't care." I mumbled.

"Uh huh. Until you get a really bad sunburn." He said.

I heard something land next to the chair and looked down. A bottle of sunblock. Of course. I sighed and sat up, avoiding his eyes. I put some sunblock on my arms and legs.

"How are you?" Sid asked.

"Fine." I said, putting sunblock on my stomach and chest.

"You?" I asked, not looking at him.

"Alive." He said.

I nodded. I closed the lid and tossed the bottle over to him. He caught it, staring at me.

"Thanks." I told him.

"Your back is still gonna burn like hell." Sid grinned.

"I can't reach it, so I'll have to live with it." I shrugged.

"You know, you could do this crazy thing and let someone help you." Sid grinned. I sighed, and looked at him.

"I bet I could make it from this balcony to yours." Sid smiled. My eyes got big as he got on top of the balcony.

"Sid! Get down!" I yelled.

"I think I can make the jump." He smiled, standing all the way up on the edge.

"Get down! Use the fucking door!" I yelled, my heart pounding hard.

Sid smirked, and jumped off the balcony and onto the side closest to his sliding glass door. He laughed, and disappeared inside his room. A knock on my door, made me jump. I went inside and threw the door open, glaring at him. He laughed and walked past me.

"What the fuck was that?" I yelled. He rolled his eyes and grinned.

"You worry too much. Always have." Sid smiled. I growled and turned away from him.

"Slow down. Damn." Sid said, stepping in front of me. I sighed and looked at him.

"Uh, you need sunblock on your back. Turn around." Sid told me. I shot him a look and turned so my back was facing him.

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