Untitled Part 4

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I heard the door close as Joey left. I managed to slip up to my room unnoticed while they were talking.

Was Sid really going to kiss me? Why would he do that when he just had his girlfriend over last night? What is wrong with me! Why would I let that happen? Fuck!

As I am in the middle of huge debate with myself, my bedroom door suddenly flew open. I shrieked at the sound. Sid smiled and walked in, shutting the door behind him.

"You don't know how to knock?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I do. I chose not to." He smiled.

"What the fuck?" I grinned a little. He walked over and grabbed my hand, making me sit on my bed.

"So. Talk. What's up?" Sid asked, sitting next to me. I sighed and looked down.

"Sid, I want to talk about it, but it is such a hard thing for me to even think about. It's not that I don't want to, I just can't." I said, almost painfully. I looked up at him.

"I respect that. Promise me that you will tell me one day soon?" He asked. I nodded. He reached over and squeezed my hand gently.

"Good. Let's get high." Sid smiled.

I laughed and reached over to my nightstand and pulled an already rolled joint. I lit it and handed it to him.

"I like a woman who is prepared." Sid smiled.

"What was that girl's name from last night?" I asked as I took a hit.

I passed it to him, watching him take a huge hit. He coughed as he blew out the smoke.

"Anna. Fuck." Sid groaned.

"She boiled a rabbit on your stove, huh?" I asked holding the smoke in. I laughed as I blew it out. Sid laughed and shook his head.

"Almost. That bitch is crazy. Sorry. She is though." Sid said.

"Don't apologize to me. She had crazy written all over her." I said as he hit the joint again.

"She is, well, was a friend of mine I guess. She likes me, and I don't feel the same way. Like at all. Not even a little interested. She won't take the hint." Sid said.

"She must of if she's not here with ya." I said, finishing the joint.

"Well, I kinda told her to fuck off." Sid smirked. I laughed and laid back on the bed. He laid back next to me laughing.

"Good for you." I smiled. I'm baked as all hell.

"I felt bad. Still do. I don't like being like that, but she just didn't take a hint." He sighed.

"I had an ex like that. I kept telling him I didn't even like him or want to be with him anymore. His dumbass kept coming around. Paul threatened to cut his eyes out and eat them. That seemed to work then." I said. Sid was laughing hard.

"He is such a nice dude, though!" He laughed. I am laughing hard and nodded.

"God, I wish I could of seen that." He smiled. "How long ago was that?"

"Like two years ago. I gave up dating after that." I sighed. Sid grinned at me.

"Don't blame you. Not all of us are like that." Sid smiled.

"I would hope not." I laughed. I picked up his hand that has a Transformer tattoo on it. I felt his eyes watching me.

"I love Transformers. Always have." I told him, inspecting his tattoo.

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