Untitled Part 15

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"Hey buddy!" I said, holding my arms out to Griffin.

He giggled and reached for me. I smiled as Corey handed him to me. It's the night of their concert, and I've been looking forward to seeing them, and spending time with Griffin.

Griffin is starting to walk, and I love holding his little hands and walking with him. He is so sweet, and I love giving his chubby cheeks kisses.

"Yep. There's your girlfriend, Griff." Corey laughed.

"I love this little guy." I smiled at Griffin. I set him down, helping him walk.

"I may be a little paranoid, but, security is in the hallway. If you walk anywhere, they have been instructed to follow. Try to not bust their balls too much." Corey grinned.

"Good luck with that one man!" Sid yelled out. I laughed.

"Give your kid a kiss and go get ready." I told Corey.

"I cannot thank you enough for this." Corey said.

"Yeah. Don't. Then shit gets weird and you think I like you. Go on." I smiled. Corey laughed and hugged me. Griffin waved bye to Corey.

"Babe, you sure you're ok with this?" Sid asked.

"Of course I am. I'll be fine. There is security, and Griffin loves me." I told Sid.

I saw all the black face paint around his eyes and mouth. He grinned and leaned in.

"You'll mess up your make up." I teased.

Sid smiled and kissed me, smearing his makeup on my mouth. I laughed and pulled away.

"Come on buddy. We gotta clean my face up." I told Griffin.

Sid laughed, handing me a towel to wipe my face off. I got all of it off of me finally and smiled at Sid.

"Have fun." I told him.

"I will. Love you!" Sid called out.

"Love you!" I yelled back as he walked away.

I turned on the TV so we could watch them in action. Griffin sat in a daze almost for about a half hour.

"Da!" Griffin would say at times. I smiled and nodded.

After a while, Griffin wanted to get down and walk. I took him out in the hallway and held his little hands as he walked. Security kept a close eye on us, making sure we didn't get too far.

At one point, Griffin stopped and reached down to grab his toy truck that he dropped. I bent down and grabbed it, seeing a set of black combat boots stop in front of us. I looked up and couldn't believe who I was in the presence of.

Henry Rollins stood before me, grinning down at us. He looks exactly the same in person as he does on TV. I slowly stood up and stared in disbelief at him.

"Who is this little guy?" Henry grinned at Griffin.

"Uh, Griffin. Corey Taylor's son." I grinned.

"No kidding! You his wife?" Henry asked.

"No. God no." I laughed. Henry smirked at me.

"I'm best friends with Joey and Paul. I'm dating Sid actually." I told him.

"Really? Good. You can help me then." Henry said.

"Um sure?" I asked.

"God, I'm so sorry. Where are my manners? I'm Henry Rollins. And you are?" He asked, shaking my hand.

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