Untitled Part 22

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I got home three days later and felt alot better. The house was quiet, except for my two giant dogs who danced happily at my feet. After giving them much need pets, I headed to my room to unpack.

How do I feel since I found out that Joey told my business to people he shouldn't of? I'm pissed. Am I going to forgive Joey and the rest of them? Probably. I'm stubborn, and I also need time to cool off. Three days away did help me.

The doorbell rang, and I ran down the stairs to answer it. I pulled open the door and saw Sid, who doesn't look happy at all. I leaned in to kiss him, and he pulled away.

"Ok. What's going on?" I asked.

He pushed past me, and sat down at the kitchen table, opening his laptop he brought with. He pulled up a website, and turned it around for me to see. I sighed and looked at him.

"Care to explain?" Sid asked me in a cold tone.

There is a picture of me and Henry at a restaurant. Henry had pulled my chair out for me, and as he had leaned over to push the chair in for me, his credit card fell out of his shirt pocket. The picture shows Henry very close to my face and he is smiling at me. Jesus fucking christ!

"Sure. I can explain. My question for you is, will you believe me?" I asked.

Sid blinked at me and said nothing. I launched into the entire story for him. He sat back in his chair and stared at me.

"So, that was it?" Sid asked. I nodded.

"I had no idea anyone was even watching or taking pictures Sid. Otherwise I would of said something. You really think me and Henry?" I snapped. I'm getting pissed.

"Paris, you have to understand how this looks. The headlines all read 'Why is Sid's girlfriend with Henry'." Sid told me. Is he stupid? I'm beginning to think he is.

"You believe this shit?" I asked, my voice raising more. I heard the front door open and shut.

"I don't know what I believe." Sid told. My stomach knotted.

"Sure. I mean why not, right? After all, you already accused me of fucking Corey. Maybe I should, just to curb those thoughts you have, right!?" I yelled. Sid is livid.

"Know what? Go ahead." Sid said, standing up. He packed up his laptop and turned to me. I stood up.

"I guess I thought you were different." Sid said, almost disgusted with me. I reached out and slapped him in the face.

"Get out!" I yelled. Sid smirked and walked out of the kitchen.

"What about fucking Corey?" I heard Corey ask me. I turned and saw a worried look on his face.

"Fucking forget it." I growled.

I stormed past him, and grabbed my purse and keys off the counter. I headed through the living room, seeing all of them there.

"Paris, where are you going?" Joey asked, giving Paul a concerned look.

"Out." I said through my teeth.

"No you aren't. You think any of us will let you? Paul and I know where you're gonna go if you do leave." Joey told me quietly.

I felt tears in my eyes. Of course they know. It's where I always went when my life turned to shit. The one thing that's always been there for me. Drugs. Vicodin to be exact. I'm surprised I haven't turned to it with the way shit has gone the last few months.

"Where are you going Paris?" Corey asked me quietly.

"Just leave it alone." I told them.

"Not a fucking chance." Paul said.

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