Chapter 91

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I nervously stand by my mom's throne as a nervous smile appears on my face. "Mom, why did you summon me here?" I ask politely as a satisfied smile curves at her lips.

"Lucy, you've accepted your role as princess of this kingdom and must know the people you'll be working with," my mom states. "For example, this is Luke." A male steps out of the shadows, having sweet, green orbs and pitch black hair that gleams in the room light. Luke wears tight, black jeans that shows off his leg muscles. He doesn't wear a shirt, showing off his perfect six pack.

"You may not recognize me in this form," he says, narrowing his eyes at me. Horns appear on his head as his eyes turn dark red. My eyes widen in surprise as I stare at him. "You were the one who distracted me," I say, clenching my fists.

He heaves a sigh, chuckling to himself. "Yeah, sorry about that," he says in a relaxed tone. I stare at him as a look of amazement appears on my face. A female walks into the throne room as her beautiful, green locks bounce down her shoulders like a waterfall. She stares at me with her brown orbs, placing her hands on her long, white dress.

"This is Lily," my mom says as I narrow my eyes at her. "She has nature powers and the abilities to shapeshift, control nature, and talk to animals." Lily cheeks flush in embarrassment as she stares at the ground. I furrow my eyebrows in concentration, knowing that she played the part of the small girl.

"I apologize for hitting you in the head like that," Lily says nervously, keeping her head down. "Don't worry, I healed you right after we tied you up." I chuckle as my mom rolls her eyes.

"Lastly, this is Yuni," my mom says, having a stern look on her face. "Yuni has the power of..." I exchange a look with Yuni, seeing a smile appear on her lips as she twirls her hair around her finger. "Darkness binding," I finish.

My mom's eyes widen as she narrows her eyes at me. "H-How did you know that...?" She asks nervously as a chuckle escapes my lips, knowing that my mom already knows the answer to this. She's been watching me, after all.

"It doesn't matter now," Luke says sharply, having a serious expression on his face. "Why did you call us here?" My mom sighs heavily, narrowing her eyes at Luke. She snaps her fingers, shifting back to her human form.

"Lily, I need you to take Lucy to the capital," my mom says with a smirk. "You need to act like you just rescued her." Lily nods as a stern look appears on her face. My mom exchanges glances with Yuni and Luke, having an uneasy expression appear on her face.

"What do you want us to do?" Luke asks urgently, narrowing his eyes at my mom. My mom furrows her eyebrows in concentration, staring at them for a long moment. Yuni purses her lips, exchanging a long glance with Luke. "Yuni, I want you to awaken the other gods and get them under my control," my mom says darkly.

My eyes widen in horror. There are others? I stare at my mom, being surprised by her statement. "Don't worry, the world will be ours," Luke whispers in a reassuring tone.

I frown, remembering when the spriggan invaded Fiore and almost took control. If Acnologia and I didn't step in, then my master would've lost himself and controlled the entire world.

"I-Isn't that a bit overboard...?" I ask nervously, feeling my mom's intense gaze. She chuckles in amusement, narrowing her eyes at me. A frown appears on my lips as I stare at the ground. "Nonsense! Besides, you guys went overboard with sending you, Irene, and August to Fiore," my mom says.

I sigh heavily, knowing that she was correct. "Anyways, what do you want me to do?" Luke asks, changing the subject. My mom purses her lips in concentration, being deep in thought.

"I'm sending you to Fiore to recruit mages," she says, shifting her gaze to him. A look of relief crosses his face as he nods happily. A frown appears on my face as I stare at Yuni, Luke, and Lily, knowing that they were eager about their jobs. I was on the opposing end, feeling very anxious and nervous about my job.

One of the Spriggan Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora