Chapter 22

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The three months went by in a flash, and I couldn't wait to compete in the grand magic games. While everyone else practiced with different members of the guild, I worked with my celestial spirits.

I learned about meditating and how to control my powers better. I even fought against Capricorn, beating him in hand to hand combat. I even unlocked some celestial forms, being prepared to use them.

As for now, we are heading to Crocus, the capital city. "Are you guys ready to win for fairy tail?" Erza says as I nod, glancing at her for a moment. At this rate, we will definitely win against the other guilds.

It was only a short time before we made it to Crocus. Natsu, Happy, and I went on our own little journey, exploring the city. All of a sudden, Natsu starts to make a run for a group of people.

"It smells like a dragon," he states as I roll my eyes in annoyance. The first time we met, he thought there was a dragon, but he was wrong. I follow him through the crowd, heading towards the center.

In the center, two males stood there. A male with blonde hair and blue eyes stands there, having a smirk on his face alongside another male with dark hair and dark, brown eyes. "Who the heck are you?" Natsu groans.

I choke back a laugh, glancing at them. I could feel a slight magic energy coming from them. They were nothing compared to Brandish. She could squish them in a moment. "We are the twin dragons of Sabertooth," the blonde one declares.

I glare at them, feeling annoyed at their presence. They acted like they were so strong. I didn't even sense a lot of magic energy coming from them. "Natsu, the time!" I say suddenly, knowing we had to get to the hotel before Erza killed us.

"Right!" Natsu says, shooting them a glare. I nod in Natsu's direction, leading the way. I couldn't bare to look at them any longer. We made it back to the hotel, seeing Gray and Erza there, waiting patiently.

"Where were you?" Erza roars as I stare at the ground, feeling irritated. Happy crosses his arms, scarfing down fish after fish. "We just met some of the other competitors," I say angrily.

"They call themselves the twin dragons of Sabertooth," Happy says, having fish in his mouth. Natsu stares at the ground, looking frustrated.

"They act like they are so tough," Natsu says. I chuckle, glancing at Natsu. He arches a brow, staring at me for a long moment. "Once they meet you three, they will have to rethink their definition of tough," I say with a smile.

Erza rolls her eyes. "Lucy, don't think we forgot about you," she says. "You defeated one of the seven kins of purgatory and posed one of the greatest threats to Hades." I stare at her, feeling alarmed by her statement.

"Wait, where's Wendy!?" Natsu yells. I stare at him, feeling slightly concerned for the young girl. Where could she be? Elfman ran into the room with Lisanna, having nervous looks on their faces. "How's everything going?" Lisanna asks.

"Lisanna, please go find Wendy," I beg, seeing her nod. "We need a fifth player!" Elfman smiles, nodding in our direction. I sigh, glancing at Erza. Erza nods as we hear a voice over the loudspeakers.

"Attention! This will be the round that will determine the eight teams for the grand magic games," the voice announces. "The first eight teams will compete in the grand magic games. So, let the games begin!" And, like that, we started to run out on the course, being prepared to take down any other team.

One of the Spriggan जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें