Chapter 74

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The room is silent as we slowly walk into it. Instant glares were shot in my direction as people stare at me. "You're late," Acnologia says sharply. "Make sure it doesn't happen again." I roll my eyes, knowing that he was trying to act like he was in control.

"Let's continue," August says, glaring at Acnologia. Irene nods eagerly as a casual smile appears on her lips. She glances all around, forcing herself to stand. "I have an idea on how to improve the safety of the grand magic games," Irene says cheerfully.

"What's your idea?" Erza asks with interest, narrowing her eyes at her mom. Gildarts furrows his eyebrows in concentration, having a nervous yet excited look on his face. Dimaria rolls her eyes as a bored expression appears on her face. "We could set up high level enchantments to protect the bystanders from the battle," Irene proclaims.

"I don't—" I begin, being interrupted by Acnologia clearing his throat. I glare at the dragon of death as he stares at me. Jura furrows his eyebrows in concentration, nodding in agreement. "I was considering an idea like that but wasn't sure on how to do it," Jura admits sheepishly.

I open my mouth to speak. "So, it's settled then," Acnologia says, speaking over me. I glare at him, clenching my fists in rage. While he did help me defeat my master, all he did was one spell. I did most of the work, but he is taking most of the credit for it.

"That's all I have," Irene says sheepishly. August nods as a serious expression appears on his face. I exchange a look with Brandish, shifting my gaze back to August. "Okay, I'll go next," August says with a genuine smile.

I arch a brow. "What's your idea?"

Acnologia shoots a glare in my direction, shutting me up. "We could train the legal guilds and help them improve their magic," August says. "That would help them prepare for the next war." Acnologia grins, nodding in agreement.

"And, I'll be in charge of it," Acnologia says proudly. "After all, I'm one of the best fighters here." I roll my eyes in annoyance, trying to keep my composure. I exchange a look with Erza as she worriedly stares at me.

"I believe Lucy should be in charge of it," Erza states, flashing me a smile. "While Natsu, Gray, and I were easily knocked out by Zeref, Lucy was on par with him and had many powers at her disposal before showing her true powers." I shoot Erza a thankful smile as she nods lightly.

"I believe Lucy still needs time to recover from losing Zeref," Jura says sharply. "She needs sometime to return back to normal, after all." I furrow my eyebrows, knowing that he was correct. Maybe, I wasn't in my right mind to even be leading this.

"I—" I begin. Acnologia agrees to Jura's statement, completely interrupting and ignoring me. What's the point of coming to a meeting if you're just being ignored the entire time? The meeting ends as I quickly rush out of there.

The white haired female stands by the exit, narrowing her eyes at me. "Lucy, correct?" She says silently. "I'll be honest with you. You're the first wizard saint. Don't let Acnologia push you around." I nod in her direction, flashing her a thankful glance.

"Hey, what's your name?" I ask as a sigh escapes her lips. She furrows her eyebrows in concentration, tilting her head to the side in confusion. The white haired female shakes her head no as sadness appears in her eyes. "I'd rather not say," she says.

I nod, watching her leave. Maybe, she's right. I do need to stand up for myself. I can't allow Acnologia to push me around even more and let him have control. The more he thinks he has control, the worse it'll get.

A frown appears on my face as I recall my final mission. My final mission was to defeat Ankhseram and bring back my master. All I want is to live a normal life with him without any problems. At this point, I would trade anything to bring him back. Back.

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