Chapter 1

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I was upset. This time, my daddy punched me in the face, being very merciless. I knew that I would never return home. Instead, I would find all twelve celestial gate keys and become super strong. Suddenly, I bump into a hard chest.

I gasp when I saw a cloaked figure staring down at me. "I-I'm sorry.." I say, my voice trembling. "I-I will continue on my way.." My big, brown eyes stare at that person as I walk away. That's the moment when I started to cry.

I couldn't believe my daddy punched me. He did it for absolutely no reason. I didn't do anything bad nor disobey him. "Hey, you okay?" A voice asks, and I saw the cloaked man. He helps me off the ground, picking me up gently.

"M-My daddy hit me.." I choke out, seeing his kind, genuine smile. That's when a powerful, dark mist surrounds him. I gasp in horror, fear filling my insides. Squeezing my eyes shut, I expect the worse.

When I open my eyes, everything was okay. He was fine, and a smile appears on my face. "H-How?" He chokes out as I smile. "My magic doesn't effect you." I stare at him, seeing his bright gaze. "Here, you are coming with me to a safe place."

I nod. "Um, okay?"

He led me to the ships as I notice another girl there. She has green hair, and I smile when seeing her. Before my mom died, the servants had children on their own. This child was Brandish, one of my friends.

"Brandy!" I say, seeing her look at me. She runs up, hugging me tightly. "I've missed you so much!" The cloaked man walks over to us, taking off his hood. He stares at us, immediately glancing at me. His hard gaze softens as he smiles.

"Hello, my name is Zeref," the cloaked man said, and I instantly smile. "What are your names?" I grin, introducing myself as Lucy. Lucy Heartfilia. Brandish introduces herself as well, a bright smile on her face.

"Where are you taking us?" Brandish asks as I stare at him. I gently held my keys in my hand, being prepared to attack him. "I'm taking you two to an island," he says blankly. I gasp in complete and utter horror.

Mommy always warned me about trusting strangers. "You will pay!" I say angrily. "I..we shouldn't have trusted you!" I took Aquarius' key, running to the side of the boat to summon her instantly.

"Lucy!" Brandish yells, but I ignore her. I jump into the ocean, being able to summon Aquarius. I smile, seeing Zeref and Brandish looking into the ocean at me. "Open, gate of the water bearer! Aquarius!" I yell, seeing the beautiful mermaid appear.

Brandish gasps, seeming super happy. "Aquarius! It's been forever!" She said, excitement in her tone. "I've missed you!" Aquarius smiled in her direction, seeing Zeref. She gently picked me up, placing me on the boat.

"First things first," Aquarius said. "Lucy, stay out of the way! Secondly, who the heck are you!?" She glares at Zeref as a smirk appears on his face. Aquarius quickly put us in a protective barrier, not allowing Zeref to come close to us.

"Descendant of Anna," Zeref says as I exchange a glance with him. "You have so much untapped potential." I narrow my eyes at him, being surprised by his statement. Aquarius let the water barrier down, staring at him for a moment.

"He hasn't even tried to block or attack," she notes. "What do you want?" Zeref sighs, staring at the ground. He walks towards Aquarius, whispering something in her ear. She sighs, nodding slightly.

"WHAT!?" I yell, looking in his direction. "What is going on?" He sighs along with Aquarius. I stare at him as fear forms within me. Pondering on what to do next, I glance at him, wondering what he was going to say.

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