Chapter 79

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I stare at my mom, being too surprised to even move. How is she standing before me? Was my mom trying to kill me? "M-Mom...?" I choke out as my hands start to tremble. She narrows her eyes at me as a dark expression appears on her face.

"Lucy." She stares at me with her intense, dark orbs as if seeing through my entire soul. I furrow my eyebrows, not daring to back down. She is my very own mom, and there must be a reason why she was trying to kill me. "H-How are you still alive...?" I ask frantically.

My mom smirks. "I never died."

A look of alarm crosses my face as I narrow my eyes at her. "S-So y-you just l-left us...?" I ask as tears fill my eyes. She sighs as an amused grin makes its way to her face. "I figured out that I was the reincarnation of a powerful goddess," my mom says with a sadistic smirk.

I scrunch my brows as instant curiosity forms within me. A blood red sword appears in her hand as she races towards me. "Which one...?" I ask, summoning my own sword to block her attack.

She snaps her fingers before her hair turns a pitch black color. Her eyes bear into my soul, having a tint of amusement within them. "I am goddess Ankhseram," my mom says as my eyes widen.

"Y-You..." I choke out as my entire body trembles in fear. M-My mom is goddess Ankhseram...? My sword drops to the ground as I hold my hand up to my face. A dark expression makes its way to her face as she charges at me.

"I had high hopes for you," she says darkly, swinging her sword in my direction. I duck under the sword, giving her a solid punch to the stomach. A sharp pain enters my hand as darkness surrounds it.

She swings her sword at me once again. I dive right, avoiding her attack. I grab my sword with my non-dominant hand, knowing that I couldn't give up this easily.

"I always wanted you to become the next goddess Ankhseram," my mom says before knocking my sword out of my hand. I gasp in horror, knowing that I couldn't keep up with her. It wasn't that I have been mourning these past few months, but I was brutally injured on my right hand.

"I won't hurt people and destroy their lives!" I yell viciously as I think about my master. "Celestial armor." A sudden power arises in me as my form changes. In the end, I look exactly like this:

 In the end, I look exactly like this:

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My mom stares at me in annoyance. "One way or another, you will become me," she hisses. "You can't harm me! You will never be able to defeat me." I narrow my eyes at her, knowing that I had to try.

I charge at her with my sword in hand. Like a blur of the wind, my mom slices at me from both sides. I gasp as I cough out blood. "I-I will defeat you..." I say weakly as my head starts to spin.

A sadistic smirk appears on her face as she snaps her fingers. Instant pain erupts in the pit of my stomach as I let out a loud, ear piercing scream. My sword drops to the ground as a powerful spell hits me head on.

My body falls to the ground as my vision becomes blurry. "This is good bye," my mom says, stalking towards me. She sticks her sword into me before giving the final blow.

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