Chapter 42

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Before I could stop Natsu, he gave Jackal a hard punch to the face. Jackal makes some explosions appear all around Natsu. Natsu casually eats the explosions, having a glare on his face. "Wendy, I'm going to find Michello," I say.

She nods as I hurry away, hoping to find him. A lot of citizens stand there, having concerned looks on their faces. "That's Lucy from the grand magic games!" A citizen exclaims as I jump in surprise.

"Guys, you need to get out of the city," I order, seeing their surprised expressions. "A dangerous man is here." All of them stare at me hesitantly, seeming nervous about my statement. Jackal jumps down from a building, narrowing his eyes at me.

"You're on, Lucy Heartfilia!" He yells as I glance at the citizens, being worried for their safety. I stare at him, knowing I had to keep up my cover. "Jackal, this battle is between you and me," I say.

He smirks. "I wouldn't dare touch your precious humans," he mocks as a smirk appears on his face. I glare at him, feeling annoyed by his actions.

My master makes me study about his demons and how to fight him. Jackal's weakness is water magic and if you have the fire magic to outdo him. All in all, you can't touch him. "I know your weakness," I state as he raises his eyebrows. "Aquarius: Star dress." In an instant, I look like this:

Jackal studies me, staring at my outfit

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Jackal studies me, staring at my outfit. "You think you can simply beat a demon?" He chuckles. "How pathetic." I smirk, knowing I could easily take him on and defeat him. Not even E.N.D is on my level, and he's my master's strongest demon.

"Aqua metria!" I yell as a beam of water races towards him. It hits him to the ground as he gasps in pain, staring at me in shock. I walk towards him, not daring to flinch. "H-How...?" He chokes out.

I frown. "I know all of your strengths and weaknesses," I say, hearing Natsu run towards the scene. Jackal takes his hand, aiming it for me. I smirk, feeling the explosion go off around me as Natsu eats it up.

Wendy hurries to me, having a worried look on her face. "Healing him took a lot of energy out of me," she admits, looking tired. "Where is all of the people?" I sigh as I glance around, realizing they weren't around.

"I told them to get out of the city," I say as a smile appears on her face. "Now, we don't have to worry about them getting harmed." I nod as Natsu stares at Jackal in rage.

"You see, your magic doesn't work against me," Natsu states before eating his explosion. Jackal stares at him in fear. I smile, realizing a fire dragon slayer could obviously beat Jackal, the member of the nine demon gates with explosion curse magic.

Jackal looks angry, glaring at Natsu. His form starts shifting as I sigh, being familiar with it. I read about this form. This was his etherious form. "Natsu, be careful!" I yell, feeling slightly worried.

My master doesn't want Natsu to die yet. Instead, he wants to take him out by himself. I'm allowed to take out the other members of fairy tail, but not Natsu. I might even try to take out Titania. Natsu threw him into a wall, defeating him in an instant.

"This city will go boom!" Jackal roars as my eyes widen in surprise. I had to do something; however, there was little to nothing I could do in this state. Happy flies towards him, picking him off of the ground before carrying him into the sky.

"Happy, no!" Natsu yells as I glance at Carla, seeing tears in her eyes. I pick her up, knowing that this could be Happy's end. Now, we wouldn't have to worry as much about a flying blue cat.

Instead of my dreams coming true, Happy flies towards us, being safe and sound. "Now, lets find that old man," Natsu says as I nod, allowing him to lead the way.

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