Chapter 56

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Before we could head out, a young female ran in our direction. She was our messenger. "E-Emperor, there is someone who wants to see you.." She says nervously as I stare at the ground, feeling a bit sad.

"Don't worry, my dear," my master says as he shoots me a comforting glance. "We can resume right after I settle this." I nod, turning my attention to the different members of the spriggan. All of us wanted to see who it was and what their business was here.

"M-Master, may we please stay with you?" I ask nervously. Master Zeref shakes his head no, having a serious expression on his face. I sigh, wishing that I could stay with my master. "Lucy, let's go and get some star mangoes," Brandish says playfully.

I nod excitedly, rushing to the city. The city was big and adventurous, being very lively. A sudden explosion came from the ice cream shop as Brandish's eyes widen in surprise. "N-No, not my star mangoes..." Brandish says in horror as we hurry towards that direction.

Alvarez guards lay on the ground, being passed out. I glance at the people to blame, seeing Natsu, Happy, Erza, Gray, Wendy, Carla, and Juvia standing there. "You did this to my star mangoes, didn't you!?" Brandish yells, having tears in her eyes.

"Look, it's Lady Brandish and Empress Lucy," one of the guards says in a hopeful tone. "Allow us to help you," another guard says, lifting his sword into the air. I glance at Brandish, seeing her stare at the star mango stand in longing.

"No, you should leave this to us," I order as they rush away. I narrow my eyes at the fairy tail mages as uneasy expressions appear on their faces. "Lucy, you don't have to do this!" Erza declares.

"I would beg to differ, Titania," I say darkly as a smirk appears on my face. She narrows her eyes at me, making a sword appear out of thin air. A frown appears on my face as I remember Irene's words. Irene wanted to fight Erza because she was her daughter. "Lucy, what are you going to do?" Brandish asks.

I furrow my eyebrows, feeling a familiar energy approach. "Don't worry," I say with a smirk. "Ajeel can handle these weaklings." I watch as sand rushes forward, knocking the fairy tail mages to the ground. I stare in amusement as the fairy tail mages retreat, being surprised by the amount of power Ajeel, Brandish, and I contain.

"W-What if they don't survive...?" Brandish asks nervously as her eyes widen. "I-I don't want to face Irene's wrath..." I chuckle in amusement, knowing that Ajeel himself wouldn't be enough to wipe them all out at once.

"Idiot." I glare at her. "While Ajeel is powerful, he couldn't wipe them all out at once." Brandish sighs heavily, furrowing her eyebrows in concentration. I glance at the star mango station, feeling a bit disappointed. We could've saved the star mangoes, but we were too late. I exchange a look with Brandish, heading back inside the palace.

The others were in the throne room, looking rather annoyed. "Ajeel, what happened?" Invel asks sternly, a serious look on his face. Ajeel clenches his fists in anger, letting out a loud sigh.

"Some annoying fairies decided to come to this island!" He says angrily, exhaling loudly. "They escaped." I exchange a look with Brandish, nodding in her direction. That didn't surprise me. After all, those pathetic fairies are full of secrets and mysteries.

"That's very interesting..." Master Zeref says with a smirk. "If they came into our home, then let's go into theirs. Let the war begin!" A smirk made its way to my face as I exchange a look with my master. If anything, we have to prepare to attack the land of Fiore.

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