Chapter 36

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I carefully watch, seeing the members of Raven Tail. They were all knocked out, being severely weakened. Laxus stands there, having a dark look on his face. Murmurs came from the crowd as I smile.

"Wow, that was amazing.." Natsu says in awe. "I definitely want to challenge him to a fight!" I roll my eyes, knowing Natsu lost a lot to Laxus. Erza sighs, shooting him a glare.

Laxus walks off the battlefield, having a calm appearance about him. "Raven Tail is automatically eliminated from the grand magic games," the announcer declares as a satisfied smile appears on my face.

They did cheat. I'm so glad that we don't have to worry about them anymore. I used up more energy than I thought against Flare when they cheated. "Luce, this is great news!" Natsu exclaims.

I nod. "Now, we don't have to worry about them cheating," I say, seeing them chuckle. If anything, today has been a great day. We have one less team to worry about. As they were taken off the field, I glance through the crowd, trying to find my master.

"Thanks for being patient with us," pumpkin man says. "Now, it's time for the last fight." I sigh, knowing we haven't gone yet. It would be us against Lamia Scale. It would be interesting if Gray went against Lyon.

"I want to fight," Natsu whines. I roll my eyes, knowing that he always wanted to fight. It might be Gray, and we have to be careful about that part. "It's Wendy from Fairy Tail team A vs Chelia from Lamia Scale," the announcer declares.

Wendy glances at us. "I won't disappoint you guys," she states. I nod, seeing her hurry down there. Chelia goes down there as well, tripping over a rock. Wendy hurries over, tripping over a rock as well.

Everyone bursts into laughter. I glance at Wendy, seeing her stand up. "Hi, my name is Chelia," the girl says, shaking her hand with Wendy. Wendy smiles, glancing at Chelia.

"My name is Wendy," Wendy says, shaking her hand as well. Chelia nods in Wendy's direction, seeming satisfied with her opponent. "Just because we are now friends doesn't mean I will take it easy on you," Chelia declares.

"I would be insulted if you did," Wendy retorts as a serious expression appears on her face. Wendy charges at her, kicking her in the stomach. Chelia is sent into the ground as I grin like a moron.

"Awww, this is the most adorable battle ever," Erza says happily. I nod, watching Wendy with a sudden amazement. She has gotten so much stronger and can heal her comrades. But, she still is a little girl.

I frown, knowing she was a dragon slayer. Dragon slayers have a constant full tank of energy, and they don't even use it all the time. The battle raged on, and in the end, it was a tie. I glance at the battlefield, being super proud of Wendy.

If anything, fairy tail is off to a good start. We will soon be back on top. Once we reach that time, it will be perfect for the spriggan to make a surprise attack while knowing all of the strongest mages' weaknesses.

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