Chapter 81

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My eyes open slightly as pain erupts all over my body. I groan, squinting my eyes at the white ceiling above me. "Lucy, are you okay?" A familiar voice asks.

I force myself to sit up, glancing in the direction of the voice. Wendy stands there, having a look of concern on her face. I burst into tears, recalling the conversation I had with my master. "I-I..." I start as Natsu barges into the room.

"Luce, you're okay!" He says in relief. Natsu rushes to my side, pulling me into a big hug. I sigh heavily, shrugging him off. I furrow my eyebrows, trying to remember everything that happened. "I-I..." I begin, being at a loss for words.

"Lucy, you need some rest," Wendy says softly as a reassuring smile appears on her face. I shake my head, trying to remember the entire incident. What happened? "T-Tell me what happened..." I say weakly.

"Well..." Natsu begins. The door slams open as Irene, Brandish, and Dimaria hurry into the room. Worried looks appear on their faces as they narrow their eyes at me. "Lucy, are you okay?" Brandish asks.

"I believe so." I stare at them, being reminded of the memories with them that flashed before my eyes when I died. Natsu sighs, staring at them for a long moment. "Lucy, you need to be honest with us," Irene says urgently.

"It's not like you would care," I say coldly as a sad expression appears on her face. I glance away, trying to ignore their presence. "Lucy..." Wendy says in a sad tone.

"You're being very petty right now!" Dimaria yells, raising her voice. "We promised that we would always be there for each other and—" Her voice cracks as she narrows her eyes at me. "You are hiding things from us and keeping secrets," she adds.

"Fine then!" I hiss angrily. "You want to know the truth!? You hurt me! In those meetings, you would constantly be against me..." I sigh heavily as tears threaten to roll down my cheeks. "I-I already felt alone..." I add, staring at the ground.

"Lucy, that's not fair," Brandish says in a warning tone. "We tried to help as much as we could but—" Her voice cracks as tears roll down her cheeks. I narrow my eyes at her as Dimaria and Irene comfort her.

"I started to have these weird dreams," I say, clenching my fists. While the truth was latter revealed, it only hurt me even more. My mom wasn't only alive but tried to kill me. Tears welled in my eyes as I thought about what previously happened.

"What were your dreams about?" Wendy asks calmly. I glance at the young dragon slayer, seeing a nervous look appear on her face. I sigh heavily, staring at the ground for a moment.

"I was in front of the Heartfilia mansion," I say, trying to keep my voice steady. "There was always this c-cloaked woman who appeared in my dreams. I-I never got to see her appearance until..." My voice trails off as tears fill my eyes.

"Until...?" Irene presses, keeping a stern look on her face. I sigh anxiously, biting my lips. Wendy furrows her eyebrows as a worried look appears on her face. "I-I went to the H-Heartfilia mansion and m-met her..." I choke out.

"Who was she?" Natsu asks in concern. I sigh heavily, biting my lip. I furrow my eyebrows, hoping that they would take this well. "S-She was my mom..." I choke out as their eyes widen. "A-And, my mom is goddess Ankhseram..."

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