Chapter 7

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I stood on a boat, wondering what I was doing here. If anything, I agreed with the fairy tail guy. He told me that if I went to his party, then he would get me into fairy tail.

"Enjoying the party?" A voice asks as the fairy tail guy stares at me. He stands there, having a bright smile on his face. "I honestly don't know what to do at a party," I admit.

"You drink." He hands me a drink. I stare at the drink hesitantly, not wanting to take a sip. I wasn't thirsty whatsoever. "I actually don't want to drink," I say.

Out of everything, my master prohibited me from drinking. He wanted me to come here, not being able to drink. "Aww, come on," he says persistently.

I glare at him. "You can't force me to drink," I say angrily. "If I want to drink, then I will." He stares at me, having an annoyed expression on his face. The fairy tail guy grabs my arm as I gasp in surprise and horror.

"Fine then." He stares at me. "We will have to do this by force then." I glare at him, feeling slightly afraid by his actions. If anything, this whole thing was a mistake.

I groan, rolling my eyes. Zeref sure owes me a lot for dealing with this situation. "I wouldn't challenge me if I were you," I warn as he arched a brow.

"Really? If you were so powerful, then why did you fall for such a stupid trick?" He asks. I glare at him, feeling frustrated with the entire situation.

Suddenly, the roof collapsed as Natsu came crashing in. "Natsu!" I say as relief forms within me. He glares at the mage for a moment, having a furious expression on his face.

Natsu gasps before falling to the ground and throwing up. "Lucy!" Happy shouts as I smile, staring at the exceed. He picks me up with his tail, carrying me out of there.

Worry fills me as I look back, seeing Natsu still back there. "Happy, drop me into the ocean," I say, seeing his eyes widen in surprise.

"Are you out of your mind?" He asks as I sigh, shrugging my shoulders. He nods, dropping me into the ocean. I smirk, knowing Aquarius would be a big help right now.

"Open, gate of the water bearer! Aquarius!" I call as the mermaid appears before me. She glances all around, seeming curious about our surroundings.

Happy flew towards me, glancing at Aquarius. "So, this is your magic," he says as I stare at him, feeling slightly surprised. I privately groan to myself, wishing I could've used a more powerful magic.

"Y-Yes, of course..." I say as a smile appears on my face. "Aquarius, destroy that ship." She rolls her eyes before aiming at the ship, sending it back to shore.

I gasp, knowing that we overdid it. If anything, this is partly my fault. Zeref told me to keep a low profile, but I failed at that part. If anything, I should be expecting punishment for disobeying his orders. I sigh, knowing I made a very stupid mistake.

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