Chapter 62

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Mavis nervously stares at us. "Fairy tail will stop you," Mavis spats, glancing from my master back to me. I exchange a look with my master as a casual smile appears on his face.

"Lucy, Dimaria, you two should go out there and finish off the other mages," my master states, staring at me for a long moment. I sigh heavily, nodding in his direction as I follow Dimaria out of the fairy tail guildhall.

"What now?" Dimaria says in an agitated tone. "We are supposed to help out the others but..." I glance in the direction of my old apartment as I smile.

I sigh heavily, knowing that I could show her later. I close my eyes in concentration, sensing that Ajeel was in danger. He was facing Erza and that wasn't going to be an easy fight for either one of them. Because of that, we had to find Irene.

"Let's pay Irene a little visit," I say happily as Dimaria gives me a skeptical glance. I snap my fingers, transporting us right next to Irene. "Irene!" Dimaria calls as the red haired mage knocks out another guild.

"Well, if it isn't some of my favorite people," Irene says with a smile. "How have you been?" I force a smile, trying to hide my worried expression. Dimaria sighs, doing a terrible job at hiding her concern. Irene furrows her eyebrows in concentration, glancing from Dimaria to me.

"Ajeel is facing off against Erza!" Dimaria blurts out. Irene's face darkens as a serious look appears on her face. I heave a sigh, glancing at them with a calm smile. "You two should go," I say as Irene nods.

"Have fun!" Irene says with a bright smile. I nod, sending them through a portal. Sudden footsteps came from behind me as I smirk. The female mages of Mermaid Heel stand there, having stern looks on their faces.

"Kagura, Milianna, Beth, Risley, Araña, it's nice to see you again," I say darkly. "I was vaguely impressed by your fights in the grand magic games. Especially you, Kagura." Kagura clenches her fists around her sword as a look of pure hatred appears on her face.

"You betrayed your guild," Kagura says angrily, clenching her trembling fists. "I refuse to take a compliment from a traitor!" I roll my eyes in annoyance as furious looks appear on their faces.

"How could you do this!?" Araña asks angrily, glaring at me. I roll my eyes, being too familiar with their magic and abilities. All that I had to do was pay attention during the grand magic games. "I was never your ally to begin with. I used every last one of you, and you fell for it," I say in amusement.

"I can fight her!" Kagura says viciously. "The rest of you should go ahead." I narrow my eyes at her, feeling amused by her statement. There was no doubt that she was overestimating herself. If she thought she could face me, then she was terribly wrong.

"Stay safe," Risley calls, running away from the battle scene with the others. I glance at Kagura as she shakes in fear. A sudden burst of gravity yanks me towards the center of the earth as a slight smile appears on Kagura's lips.

I roll my eyes as her spell has no effect on me. "You forget, you're no match for me," I say with a smirk, seeing her eyes widen. "Secret demon form: queen." My form shifts and in the end, I look exactly like this:

She narrows her eyes at me as a nervous look appears on her face

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She narrows her eyes at me as a nervous look appears on her face. "Good always wins!" She proclaims in desperation. "Out of all people, you should know that!" I stare at her in amusement, knowing that she was trying to use my humanity against me.

"That's a foolish way to look at it," I say with a smirk. "In a world like this, there's no such thing as 'good' or 'evil.' Not everything is so white and black." She furrows her eyebrows as anger appears on her face.

"Then, why are you helping Zeref?" She demands. I glare at her, feeling annoyed that she called my master by his name. I sigh heavily, narrowing my eyes at her. She made a big mistake by calling him that, and I will make her regret that. I furrow my eyebrows, realizing that she definitely did some research on me, and I didn't like that either.

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