Chapter 38

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I exchange a look with Aquarius, feeling relieved that she was still in. "Aquarius, lets take them out," I say as she nods. I take her hands as a bright smile appears on my face.

"Aqua metria!" We say at the same time, aiming it at Juvia and Minerva. Minerva is sent across the water bubble before disappearing from the attack. Juvia adds herself to the water, dodging the attack.

"Lucy, I must return to the celestial spirit world," Aquarius states. "I have a date with my boyfriend." I roll my eyes in annoyance. She always brags about having a boyfriend, and that gets on my nerves.

She disappears in thin air, leaving me alone with Juvia and Minerva. Minerva smirks in my direction, having a satisfied expression on her face. "Pathetic fairies," she mocks as Juvia glares at her.

"Try me!" Juvia roars before sending a large amount of water at her. I carefully watch the scene, knowing that Minerva had little to no chance at all. "I'm done with your puny games," Minerva says.

She switches her position with Juvia's, making Juvia fall out of the water. I stare at her, knowing what kind of magic that is. "Territory.." I murmur as Minerva's eyes widen in surprise.

"Y-You know my magic...?" Minerva chokes out as I chuckle to myself. Of course I knew her magic. She furrows her eyebrows at me, having an annoyed look on her face. "I wonder how many teeth a Saber has," I say.

I sigh, knowing I couldn't go all out on her. If I did, I would blow my cover. But, if I wanted to beat her, I would have to play smart. "Open, gate of the balance! Libra!" I yell as everyone stares at me.

Libra appears, having a serious expression on her face. She meets my gaze, having a frown on her face. Minerva chuckles. "Hmm. What spirit may this be?" Minerva says with a devilish grin.

"Libra, do it," I say as she nods. Minerva's body gets heavy as gravity pulls down on it. Her eyes widen in horror as she tries to swim up. She glares at me, having a furious expression on her face. 

She was sent out of the water bubble, not being able to finish after five minutes. Instead, Sabertooth was last place in that competition. I swim out of the water orb as everyone stares at me in shock.

"Thank you so much!" I say, seeing Libra nod. I grin, being thankful for Libra. She's a good celestial spirit. Libra disappears as the sabers rush towards me, having deadly glares on their faces. "You will pay for this," Sting roars.

The sabers step towards me, clenching their fists in rage. My heart starts to race as I long for my master. I sigh, knowing I wouldn't be able to get him. "I played fair and square, so I don't see the problem," I state.

"That was cheating!" Sting roars as I roll my eyes in annoyance. I glare at him. Is he saying that I'm cheating? If anything, I'm taking it easy on them. I'm not even using 5% of my true magic.

"Step away from my comrade," a voice came as Erza stands there, having a serious expression on her face. Natsu, Gray, and Wendy follow behind her, looking absolutely terrifying.

"We will settle this in the games," Minerva says, glaring at me. I smirk before walking away, knowing that I've won for fairy tail.

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