Chapter 76

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Days pass quickly as the woman keeps reappearing in my dreams. I never got a good look at her face. Instead, she would always be in the process of turning around to face me and then I would wake up.

Everyday, I got farther into the book about god Ankhseram; however, the book didn't give me the best description. Instead, the book informed me that god Ankhseram was a female.

Even when I finished the book, I had little information. All that time spent reading the book, and I was gravely disappointed. A sudden knock comes from my door as I jump in surprise. I snap my fingers, making the door open.

Dimaria stands at the door, having a stern look on her face. "Lucy, it's not looking too good," she says nervously, narrowing her eyes at me. "Acnologia called a meeting, and he's not even the first wizard saint..." I sigh heavily, feeling my rage rising to the surface.

"Coming." I glare at her as she quickly leads the way there. As we enter the room, a sudden, uncontrollable anger consumes me as I narrow my eyes at Acnologia. "It sure took you long enough," Acnologia says with a smirk.

I sigh heavily, feeling immense hatred for the dragon of death. I casually sit down in my seat, trying my best to hide my burning hatred. What would they want to discuss this time? "We should start the training in two months," Acnologia states.

"They need further notice than that," I say sharply, feeling their curious glances. "We need to check in with the magic council and the royal palace before we decide anything too important." Acnologia bursts into laughter, narrowing his eyes at me.

"That's utterly pathetic!" Acnologia chuckles. His head bobbles up and down as he roars with laughter. I exchange a look with Brandish as she gives me a look of sympathy. "I'm sorry to disagree, but I believe it's best if we prepare them now," August says sternly.

"That's true." Gildarts nods in August's direction. "Some of the mages weren't prepared for the war against the spriggan and Zeref." I frown as my mind travels back to my master. He would know what to do in this type of situation and be by my side no matter what.

"I agree with Acnologia on this one," Dimaria says nervously. I anxiously bite my lip, feeling stranded and alone. Tears threaten to roll down my cheeks as I clench my fists in rage.

I stand up abruptly, feeling irritated with these ignorant people. "Acnologia, I'm sick of you trying to take control," I say angrily. I glance at the white haired female, seeing a look of relief appear on her face.

"Lucy, where is this coming from?" Irene asks in concern. A different aura forms deep within me as my hair covers my eyes. My heart was filled with hurt and betrayal, understanding the concept of being truly alone.

"I'm not required to answer that," I say coldly, blocking out my emotions. "However, as the first wizard saint, I'm allowed to end this meeting and say that I'm deeply disappointed in every last one of you."

I glance all around as they stare at me in shock. I meet their gazes, not daring to back down. Acnologia opens his mouth to speak but no words come out.

A smirk appears on my face as I casually stand up. I head towards the door, deciding it's best to escape from them and leave that toxic environment.

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