Dark Side- Chapter Seven

Start from the beginning

"He is, but I don't see if it matters where you're concerned. Wren has no time for little skanks like you." She snarled the last part.

I shoved past her ignoring the string of insults that followed, "Thank you, Mrs. DeBlidge."

The house was gorgeous and perfect as usual. Its beautiful shades of brown that covered the walls and the picture perfect furniture. If you had no clue what was going on behind all this you would think they're perfect people. But since I knew a mass percent of the horrifying details that plagued the brown walls, I wasn't faised and I walked through the main foyer. Wren had told me the stories of abandonment, abuse and betrayal, so it had become a struggle to not show Mrs. DeBlidge what it feels like to be one of her kids. I passed the hallway that I knew had rooms in it, mostly entertainment though.

"Where are you going? Back to your room now!" Mrs. DeBlidge yelled at the tiny footsteps behind me.

I turned to face the little blonde girl that ran straight into my arms. Her bedroom door was open and I took note of the fact that she'd been moved away from Wren since I was last there. Sparing one last glance at Mrs.DeBlidge I ran up the light wooden stairs and away from her hating gaz­e. Every part of me wanted me to run back and snap her neck or at least punch her and then show these kids how they should be living. For the time being however, I was distracted by the eight year old in my arms. She was so small for her age, she looked so innocent.

"I was hoping you'd comeback, Soap." She said into my shoulder

"Even if Wren and I broke up I'd come to see you Kat." I smiled.

"I heard you asking for him," Kat said as she jumped out of my arms at the top of the staircase, "C'mon."

It always surprised my how calm she is. When I first met he­­­­r I couldn't believe she was eight. She took my hand in her ting one and pulled me up the next flight of stairs after we passed all the rooms and almost slid on the wood floor. When we got to the top she stopped outside the door that I know to be the upstairs living room. She told me to 'shush' as she knocked on the door. The door swung open a bit and Wren stuck his head out. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding in as I saw him safe and he smiled up at me. I would've blushed but I also lost that ability long ago.

"What's up?" He sniffled

I smiled, he's cute when he's sick, "You weren't at school, so I came to check."

"Shouldn't you be in last period though?" He asked the confused look clear on his face.

"I'm already too good at French." I smirked

He laughed and opened the door wider allowing me and his sister in. Once we were both inside I looked around, I don't think I've ever been in this room. It was a light blue that made me think it was a nursery at one time and a flat screen TV sat in the corner just on the white carpet floor. A single couch sat diagonal to it and it was black with a thin layer of dust on the top of it. A matching chair sat pushed against the wall that the door was on, where you could see the TV but you'd have to turn your head to the right. That was it, the room was pretty bare. Kat and I sat on the couch and watched Wren as he closed the door and curled himself into a blue blanket resting on the chair.

"I'm sorry I wasn't at school," He sneezed, "I think I have the flu, and I forgot to call."

"That’s okay; my mind thought you were being held captive by mass murderers." I laughed at myself.

"What would you have done if I was?" He smirked

"Give them a tip." I winked.

"Seriously?" Kat gasped

"No sweetie, I'm kidding I would save your brother for sure." I reassured her as Wren snickered

We watched TV as I ignored his multiple requests for me to go home. He was concerned I'd get sick, hah, as if. I convinced myself I had to stay to see how bad his cold really was, but when he started puking I excused myself. Kat followed me out and I waved a goodbye that I don't think he saw since he was puking into a bucket that the pulled out of nowhere. She led me down the stairs but refused to go near her mother. Concern rushed through my un-beating heart as I understood her feelings. Mrs. DeBlidge would rather slap her kids than sit and talk with them. I always wondered why their dad never stopped her; he was home when she was and he had to hate her for doing it right? I mean if it were my kids I'd divorce her. She shouldn't be doing that, it shouldn't be happening. I've asked even begged Wren to take Kat and leave, but his answer has always been that he wouldn't make it without his parents. I'd thought about bringing them to live with me, but my house was just as dangerous. Last thing we need is an eight-year-old being eaten by vampires. I was half way out the door when mother dearest thought it fitting to address me.

"Don't you ever think about coming back here." She spat as she stood from the couch and walked over to me.

I turned to face her, “What makes you think you have say over me?"

"Stupid child, I'm older than you. I know more I can tell you to do anything," She scoffed.

"Older than me? Take a good second look, child." I snarled back letting my age show in my voice

Her eyes went wide, "That doesn't mean anything you demon! Don't you ever defy me or I will kill you."

I slapped her, smiling to myself on the inside as it made a loud sound and her face read of nothing but shock, "Think twice before you lay a hand on one of those kids, or I will back and I won't be as careful as I am now. Trust me I will kill you before you kill me." I hissed

I smirked at her shocked face as I turned and walked off. I felt like a weight was lifted, tons of tension released. I couldn't wait to get home and tell of what happened. I also couldn't wait until she screwed up and I got to relieve those kids of their misery. They've suffered for too long and I know Wren will tell me if she hits one of them. Then her worst nightmare will come true. She'll probably never sleep or eat again until that day comes. I fell like a long lost Freddy Kruger just waiting to strike on the people that deserve it. The women would never be able to un-see me, un-see my age, un-see my power. She'll see it every time she closes her eyes. I know it sounds evil but as I made my way home I couldn't help but smile, I've accomplished something today something that someone should've done a long time ago. I should've videotaped her reaction so I could stream it all over the place so she would always remember it. Just to make her feel that bad and nervous about all her actions. Screw whoever said that revenge isn't the right way to do it; it's fun and so much better than just sitting there and taking it. Plus it felt so good to hit her.

Really good.

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