Chapterd 18: Infamous Ky

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"She's not gay Deck." I mumble. Deck pauses for a minute. She opens her mouth, but closes it...and then opens it again, but closes it yet again.

"FUCK THAT! She likes you dude! What the fuck, are you that blind and dumb that you can't see it?" She questions with full hysteria. Jay doesn't know what she wants or likes. She's confused, and I can't get mad at that, I just hate that she tries to blame me for her actions.

"She's confused."

"Then fucking help her not be. What the fuck Ky? You're Ky Gurey and you can't unravel a girl you've liked since the beginning of time?"

"Deck- shut up!"

"No, I think it needs to be stated out loud right because you're acting like a lil bitch." She grunts.

"Get the fuck out my car Deck," I yell angrily. She ignores me.

"Ky, don't do anything stupid dude. You know how you are when you can't get what you want." I turn to her sort of unpleased with that statement. What the fuck does that mean?

"Get out, now," I yell. She gives me the finger and emerges from my car and slams the door with so much force.

"If my door is broken you're paying for it!" I yell after her out my car window. She turns to me and yells.

"Fuck you Ky, the things a piece of shit anyways!" Fucking arse.


It's been raining cats and dogs all day. I think it describes my mood. I feel very crappy right about now. I didn't want to take my medication because it makes me emotional. Like very emotional. I was happy to see Noah but I couldn't, I'm not in the mood so I canceled it.

I ran to the store to pick up a part I ordered for my car. It got shipped to the wrong area so I had to travel an hour and fucking 35 minutes to pick it up. I almost ran over a cat also. It ran straight out of nowhere and I stepped on the breaks incredibly hard that I could have flew through the window. I shake the droplets of water from my hair.

I glance up and see Deck sitting in our waiting area on a stool with her leg folded. There's her usual evil grin. I ignore her until I notice someone else out the corner of my eye. I quickly glance back up, only to lock eyes with Jay.

She just stands there, looking stunning as always. Her facial expression changes and her presence makes me upset for some odd reason. I ignore her glare and turn to Deck.

"What is she doing here?" I try to seem angry and heartless, but deep down I'm doing backflips. Her showing up just shows she cares and it makes me want to wrap her in my arms and actually kiss her. I know she won't shove me away this time. I want to do that, but it's my pride that won't let me.

Her eyes fall upon me sort of shocked. I guessed because I'm staring at her as if she's a window.

"I don't know, she just showed up on the door step, well main gate," Deck grins folding her arms. She's entertained. Deck lives for drama.

"What does she want?" I question rather bitterly. I don't make eye contact with her because I know her hazel eyes weakens me. She doesn't know the effect she has on me and it angers me.

"To talk, but if you don't want it I can call the animal shelter?" Deck jokes. I don't laugh or break a smile. Deck is truly an asshole majority of the time and I want to yell at her for her actions. But I don't, I can't.

"Fuck off Deck. Ky, I can speak for myself, you know." I know she's officially angry now. I need to stop but my pride is eating me alive.

"Honestly Jay, its hard to believe what you know how to do," I finally speak directly towards her.

Teaching The Bad Girl To Be Good (Lesbian Story) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang