Chapter 48

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I screamed for the kids and they came running.

"What? Mom, what is it? Sharee said.

Jonathan and Angel were standing behind her looking scared because they thought something was wrong, and it was.

Sharee came over to me and sat down next to me. She just knew it was about their dad.

"It's okay to let him go", she said.

I burst into tears and they came to hug me. I wasn't absolutely sure of what I would say to them at that moment, but they knew that it was about him.

"This is our first family meeting without your father," I said.

All of them sat down quietly and waited for me to continue. I stuttered a little as tears fell from my eyes. They were too young to be going through this, but they needed to know what was going on. I refuse to leave them in the dark any longer.

"Sit down I need to talk to all of you about me and your father, and I hope that all of you will understand."

They sat down next to me, I had their undivided attention. They were looking at me like a really good movie was about to begin. In some ways, all of this felt like a movie. This truly felt unreal to me. 

Sharee comforted me by rubbing my back and letting me know it was okay. I didn't know what to say, so I just blurted it out.

"Your father and I are separated, we're getting a divorce," I said, clearing my eyes of tears.

A few minutes went by before anyone said anything.

"Well, good for you mom. You deserve someone who will treat you like the queen you are." Sharee said, wrapping her arms around me. "It's okay to let him go, you've been through enough."

"I love dad, but I don't like what he's doing. I don't care if his old behind is going through a midlife crisis. You don't do something like this to your family. Mom, it's okay, we'll be okay. We've been okay all this time." She said, kissing me and hugging me.

My babies are like little grown people. I wasn't expecting that from Angel, but I wondered what Jonathon had to say. I looked over at him. He looked like a sad puppy. He came and pushed Angel over a little to sit directly next to me.

"Mom, I love you. We haven't seen dad in months. I wondered if something was wrong because you looked so sad all the time. Will your smile come back if he leaves? If it'll come back, he can leave. I just want my mom to be happy again." He said, hugging me.

They understood and I was grateful. It felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I was terrified of telling them. We're going to be just fine without him. Before they left I told them I loved them, and that we needed to have another discussion about all of this soon. I asked Sharee to stay behind, she's the oldest and there were a few things I needed to talk to just her about. I'm going to need her help to make this single mom thing work.

"Sharee can you stay behind, please. I need to talk to you."

"Sure mom, just let me go and get a glass of water." She said, running off to the kitchen. 

A few seconds later she appeared again with the glass in her hand and sat down next to me. 

"I'm proud of you, mom. I'm so happy that you've made a decision about dad." She said, hugging me. 

"Enough about your father. I'm going to need your help with this single mom thing. You can help me with the house and your siblings. You have to stop with this teenage craziness, though. I can't do this without you and being a worrisome brat to me and your auntie will just complicate things." 

"Okay, okay. I won't do any of that mess I did before again. I'm making a promise to you now."

I think she was happy it would be just us. I was happy, but I wasn't because I thought I'd always be with the father of my children.

It's time to let him go. I can't live like this anymore and I shouldn't have to. My children shouldn't have to deal with any of this.

After we finished talking, Sharee left the room, and I dialed a few of the locksmiths that I googled while we were talking. I found one, and they said someone should be out here in the next hour. Gavin is not about to come through here acting like a crazy man, and scaring my babies. I picked up the phone again and called Kendra. She picked up on the first ring. 

"It's Kendra, this had better be good."

"How many different greetings do you have for answering the phone girl?" I laughed. 

"It depends on what I'm feeling when I answer the phone, and right now I'm annoyed with this man of mine."

"What happened? Let's talk about it, little sister."

"Not right now. What's up? What made you call again?"

"Mister is mad as hell. I told him that this was over for what seems like the millionth time, and he didn't need to come home. He got mad at me and said to expect him this evening. Supposedly, he tried to do this the nice way.  He's coming home anyway."

"Oh my God, do you need me to come over there? It won't take me long to get there. I'll bring Betty."

Betty is the nine mm she bought a while ago when someone tried to rob her for her bag. 

"No, there's no need for you to show up just yet. I'm having the locks changed, they are sending someone out within the hour. I just wanted to let you know what was going on, so you won't be surprised if I need you to come here and pick up my babies. I know what this man is capable of doing, but I don't know what's going to happen. Gavin is crazy when he doesn't get his way.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2021 ⏰

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