Chapter 42

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He really wants to go jump in his truck, get his children from Kendra's, and come home to me, his wife. He didn't want to hurt Shantay's feelings, so he sat down to the dinner she made for them. It wasn't his favorite, but it would suffice. He knows if he tells her right now to cook his favorite, she would jump and cook it. I am completely different, what I cook is what you get. He loves that I'm a little bit feisty. 

After they finish dinner Gavin walks over to the couch to sit down. He turns on the television and flips through the channels. VH-1 is showing couples therapy. It reminds him of me. I got the idea for couple's therapy while I was watching it. He thinks he should have just listened to me and went to therapy to work on us. He still thinks it may be too late, and he may be stuck with Shantay. Did he love Shantay as he loves me? No, he didn't and he realized that now. Shantay was just something or someone to do.

She came to sit beside him and noticed a weird look on his face. She could tell that he wants to go home to his wife. She knew she would be miserable without him, and she didn't mind playing second, just as long as she didn't lose him. She thought she should not have given him a choice to go back to her. What was she thinking? She must've lost her mind for split second.

"You are thinking about her aren't you? You've made up your mind already."

He didn't say anything, but he smiled at her. He leaned over and kissed her. He thought if he kissed her, it would change everything. It would make him want to stay with her, and fight me for this polyamorous relationship. Even though he knew I wanted to divorce him already.

He kissed her for what seemed like forever. He took her upstairs, undressed her, and made love to her. He knew it would be the last time they ever touched. He needs to put his family back together, and be with the woman who has been there for him through thick and thin, me.

After their love session, she drifted off to sleep. He stayed awake thinking about the life he has or had with me and his children.

The next morning Shantay awoke to an empty spot next to her. She jumped out of bed, ran over the dresser, and opened the drawers, nothing. She ran over to the closet and opened it, nothing. He was gone. He took his things and left.

She sat down on the bed and began to cry. She really did love him to spite of what was going on. 


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Gavin drove around town to clear his head the morning he left her. He stopped at the 711, grabbed some chips and a hotdog. He was supposed to be at work that morning but decided to call in sick.

He drove home, sat across the street, and watched the house. He thought to himself, how would he get back home? How would he get back into my heart? He watched me leave the house with the children, taking them to school. He missed this, and their morning rituals. He watched us drive away and slammed his head on the steering wheel. What was he thinking? A whole year of foolishness.

 He became lost in his thoughts and felt I wasn't going to take him back. He had no plan to give up trying though. He had to figure out where to start. He drove away from the house and went to look for a room.

He checked into an inn near the house and went to track me down. He wanted to talk to me about all that was going on.

After I dropped the children off at school, I headed back to the coffee shop. I was going to do some writing if it killed me. I just recently learned that part of becoming a writer is writing consistently. Five hundred words a day would be a good start to keep up with daily writing.

 I was also hoping to see that college kid again. Don't ask me why, I just wanted the company, and he made me laugh. I answered one email, and that led to an all-night phone conversation.

Who was I kidding? He invited me for coffee. I politely declined, but here I was hoping to see this kid. 

I had no idea Gavin sat across the street in his truck watching me.

The front door to the coffee house opened, Gio walked in, waved at some people he knew, and saw me sitting in that spot in the corner.

"I thought you didn't want to meet me for coffee."

"I'm not here to see you. I'm here to get some writing done."

"You are cute when you tell a lie."

"I'm not lying this is the perfect place to get work done." 

"You could have done this at home."

"I can't concentrate at home; it's way too comfortable."

"I know the feeling, that's why I spend a lot of time here myself. I come here to brainstorm, do homework, and jot down ideas for new projects."

"See, I'm new to this, just trying to get my feet wet, in the writing world."

Gavin sat across the street with this mad look on his face. The guy I'm talking to now isn't the guy I was talking to before. This is a totally different person. Gavin didn't like the fact that I was talking to this man, or that I may even have some male friends. He was pissed, but he didn't get out of the car, he sat there and watched us. 

"Oh you're a writer, that's great. This means I can give you my homework, and you can write my papers for me."

"Oh no, I'm not that kind of writer and if I was, I still won't be doing your homework buddy. You are on your own with that one."

He asked me if I wanted some coffee. There's only one thing I drink from Starbucks, and that's that strawberry frappe. Oh, it was so good, and I could use a pick me up. I read one of the weird habits of writers is an obsession with or drinking copious amounts of coffee. Lately, I had been drinking coffee like it was going out of style. 

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