Chapter 1

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I wake up every morning to this loveless marriage and these badass children. I said bad, but they're mine and I love them. What am I going to do? I can't leave him, because I have nothing without him. I don't have an education, and in today's world, you can't get by without one. What the hell am I going to do? I'm stuck with this man who leaves my house for juice at midnight, and he's gone for days. I'm not stupid I know what he's doing. I just like to sit and pretend these things don't happen. I guess I'm stuck with this bullshit for now. You can say I'm here until I'm not.

Last night he left our home at 12 am talking about he needed juice. He needed juice alright, juice that isn't mine. Unfortunately, I still love this unfaithful bastard. I've been in love with this man since I was 19. I've given him my all and everything, and this is the thanks I get. I've confronted him on numerous occasions, but he continues to lie to me. We have three children together, and he isn't thinking about them or me. Son of a bitch!

When I woke up this morning to get the kids ready for school; he still wasn't there. Seriously, he leaves for weeks and expects me to believe everything that he tells me. Talk about a really bad joke with no punch line. Well, I refuse to sit in this house and be miserable while he goes out to whore around on me. I'm going out.

Let me call my sister and tell her I'll tag along on the next club night.

As soon as I picked up the phone it rang.

"Hello, this is Adassa who's this?"

"Oh, now you don't recognize my voice? It's Gavin, you know the man you married, the father of your children."


"Oh wait, am I supposed to remember, you've been gone all this time. I haven't seen your face in weeks. You've been gone for what seems like an eternity. My husband wouldn't leave his wife and children for almost a month with no communication. Who are you?"

"Oh you got jokes, huh?" he says breathing heavily.

"Why don't you just admit that you are out there up to no good, and introduce me to your jump off already?"

"I told you and I'll tell you again woman; I'm not cheating on you with anyone."

"Then where are you, and when are you coming home?"

"I'm working, and I'll be home tomorrow night."

"I'll believe it when I see you walk your giant ass through that front door."

Gavin is a giant compared to me. He towers over me at 6'9 with the build of an NFL lineman. He weighs close to 300lbs. He's a big fella, but he's my big fella. I just want him to come home, and be with me and his children. I'm really not asking for much.

After I hung up the phone with him; I picked it up again to call Kendra.

Kendra is my baby sister; I'm two years older than her. She thinks and acts like she's the older one. I would call her the responsible one. She didn't get pregnant young, drop out of school, and have two more babies, only to marry an unfaithful idiot. She keeps her head in the books. She'll be graduating from college soon. I'm so proud of her.

The phone is ringing.

Kendra answers.

"This is Kendra, how may I help you on this pleasant day?"

"What's up chick? It's your favorite sister."

"Ah Ms. Adassa is alive, I was getting ready to send a search party."

"I thought Gavin might've killed you, and buried your body parts all over Chicago."

"Damn Kendra, you really hate Gavin that much? By the way that is not funny at all."

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