Chapter 14

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On his way to the bar, he thought about everything that occurred in the past couple of months. It was a lot for any person to deal with. Would he be able to handle two women?

He got to the bar, and it hit him. Two women equals two attitudes, mood swings, and cycles. What did get he get himself into? With all of that, he still thought he could make it work.

He asked the bartender for a bud light and a tequila shot. He chugged the beer and followed up with the shot. He asked for another, paid his tab and left.

 Gavin didn't tell me or Shantay that we lived super close. It didn't take him long to get from the bar to our house.

Once he got there he got out of his truck and walked up to the front door. He said a little prayer before he put his key in the door. He prayed that I hadn't changed the locks as Shantay did. He turned the key and the door opened. He was expecting me to jump out from somewhere screaming and browbeat him. There was complete silence. We had already gone to bed. He didn't want to wake any of us. He looked over at the couch. He walked over to the closet to get a blanket. When he laid down he quickly drifted off to sleep.

 When he laid down he quickly drifted off to sleep

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 The next morning I jumped out of my sleep. It was the first time in a long time I had slept well. I usually woke up with a headache from worrying about Gavin and what he was doing. I climbed out of my bed, went to the closet, grabbed a robe, and headed for the kitchen. It was the weekend and that meant nothing. I have three children, and they needed to be kept busy. Keeping them busy on the weekends kept them out of trouble and alive. The violence in Chicago has been escalating the past couple of years. The media reports a death here frequently. It seems like someone dies every day here. At one point Chicago was the murder capital. We had the highest death count in the United States. Guns and violence are out of control. The latest victim was a nine-year boy killed because his parents are gang affiliated. I don't know what I would do if someone came to me and told me one of my children died.     

Murdered in cold blood on the streets of Chicago. This is only one way we are losing our youth here. The media reports one of three things frequently. They report murder, gangs, or prison. This is why I need to keep them busy, and it's one of the main reasons I keep after them. My children will succeed and live to reap the benefits of living normal lives, with or without Gavin. 

On my way down the hall, I could hear a loud noise that sounded like a bear snoring. There was only one male in my house, or so I thought. I wasn't taking any chances, so I went back to my room and grabbed my softball bat. Whoever that was in my living room, they were about to catch a serious beat down. 

After I got the bat I crept back down the hallway to the living room. I stood over the couch listening to this person breathe. I didn't think anything of the blanket that was covering them. I just knew there was only supposed to be four people in this house right now, me and my children. I hit the couch to see if they would move. They rolled and I hit them. They jumped up. 


"Why are you trying to kill me?

"I had no idea it was you. I just heard what sounded like a bear snoring."

"Then you should have known it was me, woman. Who else would take the time to cover themselves with a blanket? I swear one of these days you are going to be the death of me."

"Why are you here anyway? You have been gone for a long time. I didn't think you were coming back anytime soon."

"I live here, remember? I pay all of the bills around here. I just found out I bought you a new phone. Thank God for insurance, and I've been meaning to ask you, why."

"Well after you told me what you told me, I reacted and not in the best way, sorry not sorry."

"Where's your little jump off wifey? Did you all have some kind of fight?"

"It's a long story and I don't want to talk about it right now. Where are the kids?"

I walked up to him. I was close enough to kiss him. It took all of me not to laugh my head off.

"Trouble in paradise, is that why you are here? Did she say no to your little plan for an urban sister wife?"

I couldn't help myself, I burst into tears laughing at him. It really upset him to see me laughing at him. He deserved it after taking me through all of this unnecessary madness. His light complexion was becoming red. I didn't want him to get too mad, so I stopped laughing.

"Since you are here, you can watch the children tonight."

"Why am I watching the children tonight?"

"Let me think. You helped me conceive them, its Saturday, and I'm going out tonight with Kendra."

"Oh Lord, why did I know she would be involved in some way. That woman is nothing, but a trouble maker, always has been, always will be."

"Don't talk about my sister as if you are better than her, because you are not, and neither is that dysfunctional family you came from. You are not at all perfect."

"I have never ever claimed to be perfect, but I do know some things about your sister that you, yourself told me, so you can't get mad me, that's your sister, not mine. I still think she's a bad influence. Her spirit is a bit too free for my taste. That's all I'm saying."

"You always say a mouthful without saying anything. I think you have mastered that one."

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