Chapter 30

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When I pulled up to the school my children were standing outside in the cold. They had peculiar looks on their faces as if something had happened to them. I rolled down the window and called Sharee's name. When she turned around to face me, she looked like she was so elated to see me. It was odd for her. She never really acted like that unless something happened. She pointed over at me, Angel and Jonathon looked around before they came over to the car. When they climbed in I asked them what happened. Angel and Jonathon didn't say anything until Sharee climbed into the passenger seat. As soon as she closed the door Angel burst into tears. 

"Some woman driving dad's truck tried to pick us up from school. She even tried to bribe us with snacks and fast food to get in the truck with her. I just told her that you told us not to talk to strangers. She asked Sharee to get in and got cursed out after that Sharee started screaming for help, she told Sister Maureen that the woman tried to kidnap us. That's why Sister Rosa was out here with us waiting for you."

I was immediately pissed and picked up the phone to call Gavin. He answered on the second ring.

His voice was a little raspy.

"Hello, Adassa how are you?"

"Did you really send your jump off to try and kidnap my children? Tell me you didn't."

"Whoa, whoa. Wait. What the hell are you talking about? I didn't send her anywhere."

"She tried to pick the children up from school today. They are shaken up and terrified. She tried to bribe them with snacks and food to get into your truck. I'm glad they remembered don't talk to strangers."

"I had no idea that's where she was going when she left here today. She said she was going to the store to pick up some junk food."

"Oh, and she followed me around today. I went to Walmart and Family Dollar and stopped for lunch. Yes, Gavin I finally met her face to face. She told me some stuff that I will not mention in front of the babies. You and I need to have a talk face to face. You need to tell her she had better stay away from my children, or I will not be responsible for my behavior."

"When she comes back here I will have a serious talk with her. Tell my babies I'm sorry, and I'm going to straighten this out as soon as possible."

I didn't even let him finish what he was saying, I hung up. It's one thing to come to me or even him about whatever, but to go after my children. Oh no, all bets are off when you cross that line. She had better hope and pray that Gavin sees her before I do. 


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Gavin was genuinely upset that Shantay tried to pick up his children from school. He didn't bother to call her. He wanted to see her face when he went off on her about his children. Their situation was their situation, but his children were off limits. If anyone would pick them up from school, or deal with them at all it would be me and him, their parents.

An hour went by and he was starting to wonder where this woman was in his truck. He also wondered why she didn't take her own car. Why was she so bent on driving his? When she came into the room to get the keys, she said she was going to do a quick run. She had been gone since this morning. He couldn't wait for her to walk through that door. Ten minutes after he said that to himself she came through the front door, smiling.

"Hey sweetheart, sorry it took me so long to come back. I had to run a lot more errands I had originally planned."

She was close enough to him now. He grabbed her tight by her ponytail and talked to her through his teeth.

"Don't ever approach my children or my wife under any circumstances."

"Let me go, Gavin, you're hurting me."

He didn't really believe in hitting women, but he had snatched me up more than once when we first got married, and more recently when I accused him of cheating before he admitted it to me. He was a different man now, so I don't know how he would act with her. He was very authoritative in that way. If he told you not to do something he meant it. She crossed a line. She wasn't supposed to talk to me or meet me unless it was on his terms. She went behind his back, and that's something else he despised with a passion.

"I thought I made myself clear when I said you weren't supposed to talk to her; you went beyond that and followed her around like you were a damn private investigator. Seriously, Shantay, who the hell do you think you are?"

He shook her like a rag doll until it looked like she got the point. He got extremely loud and repeated himself.

"Don't ever approach my children or my wife under any circumstances, ever again."

"I didn't mean any harm; I just went to talk to her about the proposal. I told her that I had accepted it, and she should too. I didn't mean any harm. Please let go of my hair."

He shook her again because she was reaching for the hand that held her ponytail. Every time she reached for his hand, he yanked it.

"Then you took your ass up to the school my children go to and tried to bribe them to get in the car with you. Are you crazy? Have you lost your ever-loving mind?

She didn't say anything. 

"Answer me!!!" He says angrily through his teeth.

She began to cry very loudly. He told her to shut up and listen to him.

"I'm only going to say this to you one time, and one time only. Don't ever approach my children or my wife again. Okay?"

She didn't answer him right away. He yanked her ponytail again, but this time hard enough to snatch it out.

She cried out loud again.

"Yes, I won't approach them again."

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