Chapter 6

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He left the house right after I did. He jumped in his truck and drove off. He didn't have a clue as to where he would go, or where he would end up. Everything that Sharee said to him played over and over in his mind. He drove over to her place, even though it was early in the morning. He hoped and prayed that she would be home. He pulled into her driveway, pulled out his cellphone and called her.

She was the woman that Gavin would leave for in the middle of the night. The woman he saw when he was supposedly buying juice.That three weeks that he was in the wind. He was at her place. Her name was Shantay, and Gavin had fallen in love with her. He didn't know how to tell her about his family, which is why he hadn't. Right now he needed consoling over his daughter.    


"It's Gavin, I was hoping you would be home."

"I'm working from home today. Would you like to come over?" She says.

"I'm outside; I'm already here."

"I'll come down and let you in."

Gavin's voice cracked, and he sounded like he was going to cry.

"Are you okay? What's wrong? You sound like you're about to cry."

"I just have a lot on my mind."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, I don't want to, I just want to be here with you."

When Shantay opened the door, Gavin fell into her arms like a wounded animal, sobbing. He had so much he wanted to tell her.

"Whatever it is, it'll be okay."

"I really don't know about that. I don't know how this will turn out."

"There's so much I want to tell you. I don't know how; I don't know if I can."

"Take your time Gavin; you can tell me whatever it is when you're ready."

He was trying to figure out how to tell her, he's been married for nearly twenty years, with three children. This wouldn't be easy, and he prayed she would understand. Although he loved me, he loved her too. He knew at the time he wouldn't be able to let either of us go.

He continued sobbing lost in his thoughts. Shantay wanted to make it better; she wanted whatever he was thinking of to go away. She kissed him, it blinded him for a minute, and he kissed her back. It felt so right. She climbed into his lap and his phone rang.

He stopped kissing her to look at his phone, and it was me. He told her that he needed to take the call. He lied to her as he lied to me. He told her it was work and went outside on the porch.

"Hello, this is Gavin."

"Where are you? I told you we needed to talk."

"Did I not agree to talk to you about us?" He whispered.

"That meant that we would talk later, Adassa."

Gavin was getting frustrated, his temper began to flare. He felt like I was being difficult, and right now he didn't need the madness.

"Are you with your jump off? Is that why you're whispering? Let me guess, you won't be home tonight because you're working."

"I don't need this bullshit. I really don't. I'm so tired of having the same conversation over and over."

"Well, you know what you can do. You don't love me anymore. You just say you want me, or love me just to have me."

"I do love you. I always have, and always will. I just need you to stop with Interrogation."

"Okay, have it your way. This is fine, for now. I won't do this forever."

Before he could say another word, I hung up. I was furious, so furious that I called my sister to ask her about the club night again. I was definitely going.

I picked up the phone, dialed Kendra's number, and it rang. I waited for her to answer.

"This is Kendra, make it good, and make it sweet."

"It's your favorite sister, Adassa."

"Let's be real, you're my only sister."

"Not if you count all the kids' dad had."

"They don't really count because he didn't have them with mom. So, this makes you my only sister."

We laughed pretty hard, something I haven't done in a long time. There was a moment of silence.

"Oh yeah, I called to let you know I still want to go."

"Still want to go where?"

"I want to go to the club."

"You're really serious about that huh?"

"Why shouldn't I be? Gavin gets to go and do whatever the hell he pleases. I called him last night, and he was with his jump off. He had to whisper to talk to me."

"That fool had the audacity to go be with some cunt after the incident with Sharee."

"Oh he felt the guilt for ten seconds, then he was gone."

"Wow, that dirty dog."

"Anyway, I want to go out."

"You got it, sis, we'll go out on Saturday. You'll need to find someone to sit with the little people."

"I have that covered, I just need a breath of fresh air."

"I'll keep you posted with the details."

"I'll also keep you posted with the details. If that is all darling I'm going to make me a tropical drink."

"Yeah, I'll talk to you later."

After I hung up with Kendra, I picked up the phone again. I had the urge to call Gavin but didn't. I didn't feel like having the same argument with him again, and I didn't need him cursing me out, especially since he was over on the other side of town with his little jump off. This wasn't over by a long shot, and he knew it.

I looked at the clock and realized it was time to go and pick up the children. I grabbed my keys, purse, and headed out to the car. I'm actually happier than I've been in a long time. For once I'm not worried about what Gavin is doing.

On my way to school, I passed the coffee shop. As I was passing I could have sworn I saw Gavin talking to some woman. Part of me wanted to pull a U-turn and find out. The other part of me was feeling just fine.  I kept driving until I got to school. 

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