Chapter 45

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When I pulled into my driveway, I sat there for a few minutes and mulled over the day I had. For the most part, it was cool, but that madness with Gavin was unnecessary. I still he can't believe that. Hopefully, Kendra will stick around for a bit so I can vent. I need to vent.

I got out of the car and grabbed everything. I walked up to the porch to see an envelope on the steps. I put it in with the rest of the bags and went inside. I put the food and drinks down on the table and the frozen fries in the freezer. I looked at the front of the envelope. It said, love Gavin.

I opened it to read.

Dear Adassa,

I love you with all of me, I'm stupid and selfish. You don't realize what you have until it's gone, and I mean really gone. I'm not seeing Shantay anymore. I packed up and left her. Seeing you with another man, or any other man-made me so mad. Before you assume I only want you because someone else does, that just isn't the case. I thought you would let go of the divorce business and agree to a relationship with me and her. I foolishly thought you would comprise your morals and values to do this. You were right; I did have an epiphany. I went over to her, looked at her, and realized it would never work, she's not you. She's not the glue that holds us together. She's not the mother of my children. She's not the woman who's been there for me for nearly two decades. She's not my little feisty queen, and she could never live up to that. With you and our children is where I belong. I'm sorry and I want to come home. I'll never do this again. I love you. You can call me when you get ready. I won't pressure you. I'm in a nearby motel, if you'd like it stop by. I'm sorry I embarrassed you today. Forgive me!

Love Gavin,

Wow, he wrote a letter. He doesn't do stuff like that. It doesn't matter I want out of this madness. I've been put through the wringer. I'm so tired. I don't know maybe he's different, but people don't change overnight. I don't want him in my house either. These were just a few of the thoughts running through my mind. I put the letter in the drawer and waited for Kendra. I really needed to vent. Kendra pulled into the driveway just in time. She got out of the car with the kids, they ran to the house. Sharee said she smelled Kennedy's the minute they pulled in. She went in, Angel and Jonathon were right behind her. I could hear her tell them they needed to go and wash their hands before they ate.

"Kendra, can you stick around for a while?"

"I need to talk to someone."

"I got some time, what's going on sister."

"Where do I start? I went to Starbucks to see a friend."

"Who that Excalibur dude?"

"No, this guy's name is Gio, and he's a lot younger than I am. Anyway, guess who has been following me around, and shows up to embarrass the hell out of me? I saw him when he pulled up and sat across the street in his car. He sat there for three hours before he came in acting crazy. I don't know why I felt comfortable venting to a 23-year-old kid, but I did. Believe it or not, he was very understanding and ready to fight Gavin because approached me all crazy."

"Wait. Who in God's name is Gio, and what were you doing at Starbucks?"

"Well remember I wanted to try writing a long time ago. Well, that was my plan for today. The first time I went I met Excalibur. He lives around the corner from Starbucks. Well, the same day he was coming around to have coffee with me, I met this kid."

"Is Gio short for Giovanni? If it is that's a cute name for a guy."

"Stop daydreaming and listen to me. Fast forward to me getting home. I found a letter from Gavin on the porch. He left the other women and moved into a hotel or motel. Anyway, he wants to come home and be a family again."

"Yeah, but you know people don't change overnight, and I seriously doubt mister changed overnight."

"That's what I was thinking after I read the letter. I'll let you see if you want to read it."

"Yeah let me see it, I want to read it for myself. I can't believe Mister wrote a love letter."

"It wasn't a love letter. It's an I'm sorry for messing you over, let me come home letter."

"I'm sorry I can't help but laugh. He did all that with that girl and hurting you and the babies, just to come crawling back with his tail between his legs. Men are nuts, and they say we are the unstable ones. I do believe that that is a lie. These men don't know whether they are coming or going. Are you going to take him back?"

"After he has done all of that to me, I'm not thinking about Gavin. He doesn't deserve anything from me or the children. I don't think I can forgive him for what he did to me, and my babies."

She laughed at me.

"That means you gone take him back. If you had said no with no hesitation, then I might have believed you, but you went into a whole discussion about it. You've been thinking about that man since the day he left. It's okay sister I still love you."

"That's why I kept them at my house for so long, so they wouldn't have to witness any of the stuff going on around here. On top of this, I think you were overwhelmed and needed a break."

"Thank you for that sister."

"What did you write while you were at the coffee shop? I'm curious."

"Well, I thought that I would write about this marriage, or all the mystery and crime I had been discussing with Gio. I actually wrote something a little steamy."

"How about you let me read it, and I'll give you some feedback."

"'Okay, let me go and print it out, it's not that long. I'm not really sure what I'll do with it."

"Go get it, I want to read it before I leave."

I went to print out the steamy scene I wrote, to let my sister read it.

"Here it is."

A/N This is as far as I got when writing this. As I mentioned before I want to finish this. I'm also working on other things, so the updates may be weekly or a bit slow. Plz vote and comment. I appreciate the feedback.

Thank you for reading the madness.


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