Chapter 23

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Gavin knew I would be angry once I came home and found my children with the sitter. He didn't care, there was somewhere he needed to be, that was more important than spending the night with our children. He wondered why he was still getting the cold shoulder from Sharee and Angel.

Gavin received a phone call in the middle of watching Jurassic Park with Jonathon. It was Shantay, she wanted to talk, but she would only do it face to face. After the sitter he called arrived to sit with the children for the night, he jumped into his truck and took off. He was on his way to meet her at an old mom and pop diner in South Chicago. She would not allow him to come over to her home. She was still frightened from the last incident. She would meet him in public until she made the final decision. She had not decided whether she should go on with her life; she still loved him.

 He decided this would be the perfect time to discuss what he proposed to me. He wanted that win, win situation he talked to me about.

As he drove up to the diner, the thoughts racing through his head had him smiling from ear to ear. He enjoyed his time with me and the children, but he really missed Shantay. She was the perfect woman, and she didn't nag him about anything. He hoped she would be perfect with him, and his family. 

He parked his truck and jumped out as fast as he could. He had become so excited he almost fell on the sidewalk. He caught himself and stopped himself from falling. He opened the door and entered the restaurant. He didn't see anyone, but the owner and a few waitresses. All of a sudden he became sad. She wasn't here like she said she would be. He decided to sit down and wait. Fifteen minutes went by. He was very anxious and ready to give up after such a short period of time. Still, he decided to wait, by this time a half-hour had gone by. Just as he was getting up to leave she came out of the ladies' room with an awkward smile on her face.

"I was just about to leave; I thought you stood me up."

"Why would I tell you to come over here if I was going to stand you up? That really would not have made any sense. Anyway, I wanted to see you, talk, and catch up."

"That's good because I wanted to talk to you too. I have a proposal that you may or may not like."

"Well, I'll let you go first, and then we can go from there."

"Have you ever heard of polyamorous relationships?"

"That sounds kind of familiar. Why?"

"Well, I'm proposing that you, I, and my wife could be in a committed relationship. A relationship where we are committed to each other."

"Wait. What? I don't understand I thought you were leaving her."

"I never told you that; what I told you was I needed to talk to you about this face to face. Where did you get that from?"

She almost let it slip that she had already had a conversation with me about Gavin. She caught herself before she stuck her foot in her mouth.

"I just assumed that you were ready to leave that situation to be in this one with me."

"I've got three kids and nearly twenty years with her; I can't just up and leave them. Will you think about the polyamorous relationship? I think it could be good for all three of us."

"Does your wife know this is what you are trying to do?"

"I talked to her about it, and she hasn't really given me a solid answer, but she knows."

Shantay looked back at him with a fake smile, as she called the waitress over. She asked for a slice of cheesecake and a cup of cocoa with whip cream on top.

"Are you really serious about this business? What would this be a smaller version of sister wives, or will you be taking on new women into the so-called committed relationship?"

"What are you talking about? I just want to be in a relationship with my wife and you."

"Hey don't get mad at me mister. I've seen the show sister wives, where this man has five wives and they live in some kind of five family compound."

"I keep hearing about this show, and I have never even watched it. Maybe I need to check it out, to see what you all keep talking about. Honestly, I don't think I could handle five wives. I think two would be more than enough for me."

"What if there are complications with this relationship? Did you even weigh the pros and cons of what might occur being in a relationship with more than one woman?"

"I'm just saying this could be a whole lot of responsibility. You didn't really think this through did you? What about living arrangements? Most of all, how are you going to tell the children? They may not understand it or be so understanding. If it gets out that they have two moms and a dad, it could be embarrassing and damaging to them. Did you sit down and think about any of these things? Looking at your face, I don't think you did at all."    

The abundance of questions Shantay asked him, had him thinking about all of it now. He was thinking about all that could occur now. 

"I didn't really think about the whole of it, but I'd really like to try this with the two women I love."
"Oh, so you love us both huh?"

She started talking to herself, she laughed maniacally.

"Hehehe. What have I gotten myself into?? I should have just burned that piece of paper, but nooooooooooooo I had to call it, and unknowingly get involved with a married man."

She popped herself on the top of the head. He grabbed her by her hands and kissed them.

"It's okay pretty lady calm down."

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