Chapter 31

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She began to weep as silently as she could. He walked her by her ponytail over to the couch and threw her down hard. He grabbed his coat, keys, and walked out slamming the door.

She just laid there on the couch for a while trying to catch her breath. When she finally did, she got up and went upstairs, took off her clothes, and climbed into the shower. She cried while she was in there. She thought she was trying to help him. He was complaining about the fact that I didn't want the proposal to be in a polyamorous relationship and the restrained relationship with his children. She thought she was helping, apparently not. She finished her shower, got out, got dressed, and climbed into bed. Her feelings were hurt, and she had a massive headache from Gavin yanking on her hair. She took two ibuprofen and took a nap.

 She took two ibuprofen and took a nap

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 I was going to take the children home, but I thought better of it. I asked them if they wanted to go and see their auntie, Kendra. They said yes in unison, so I called Kendra and prayed she'd picked up. She answered on the third ring.

"It's me, your favorite sister."

"You're my only sister."

We giggled.

I told her I needed to talk to her, and that I was on my way to her house with the children. She told me to call her when I got close to her house. It was only a half-hour ride to Kendra's place. It felt more like ten minutes. I pulled into her driveway, she came out to greet me and the kids. When we went inside she asked the children what they wanted to do. Sharee and Johnathon wanted to play PS3. Angel just wanted a good book. Kendra sent them on their way to go and play. We went into the living room to sit down. After I got comfortable I turned to her and burst into tears. Kendra held me, and let me cry. She knew it had something to do with Gavin. Lately, it always had something to do with Gavin. I told her everything, and her jaw dropped. 

"Wait a minute. She called you because she went in his phone, lifted your number, and then she stalked you while you were shopping."

"Yeah, she came up to me in Applebee's while I was in the middle of eating lunch. Who does that?"

"She tried to take the children too? People in this world are really crazy as hell."

"Oh, that's just about nothing compared to the proposal to be in a polyamorous relationship with him and his jump-off. She told me she consented, and that I should too because Gavin said he was not going to let either of one us go."

"What in the entire hell is really going on?"

"He's crazy and she's crazy too. I never wanted a divorce as bad as I do now. They are both insane."

"Wow, I just don't know what else to say."

"The children are freaked out and I don't want them to go to school tomorrow, and I know you are off tomorrow. Can they stay here with you tonight?"

"Sure, I still have some of their clothes here. Tomorrow I'll just take them out for a fun day."

"I got this feeling Gavin is going to be there when I get home, or he is going to show up in the middle of the night. He might even show up the next morning. I don't want them there if he does. I told him we had to hash this out. Usually, he likes to make me wait around forever. Since there is an incident that involved the children, I have a feeling I'm going to see him sooner than later."

"Well don't worry about the babies I have them, and I'll keep them as long as you need me to. I got your back sister."

"Alright, I'm going to go home and try and get some rest. Today has been a hell of a day. I never expected my life to get this complicated."

"I didn't think mister was that crazy."

She walked me to the door and gave me a long hug.

"You get home safe, call, or text me when you get there, so I'll know that you are safe."

I climbed in my car, started the car, and pulled out of her driveway. Another half-hour to get home. When I get there I am going to melt into one of two places, the couch or my bed. Yes, my bed Gavin doesn't deserve to share a bed with me, so it's mine. It's mine and mine alone. 

I can't believe the madness I went through with these people today. I pulled into my driveway, turned off the car, went into my purse to find my mace. I climbed out of the car quickly and looked around. If the jump off surprised me this time, I had one for her. By the time I'm done spraying her she'll be feeling like Stevie Wonder. I hope tomorrow is a better day. I need it to be a good day.

 Once I got into the house, I locked the door and set the alarm. I am still freaked out at all the stuff that happened today. I walked down the hall to the bathroom, turned on the cold water, and rinsed my face. I'd be hearing from him soon. I went into my bedroom to change my clothes and put on my house shoes. I was too shaken to lay down and go to sleep. I went to the living room grabbed the remote and turned on the television, and I went into the kitchen to get myself some ice cream and cookies. When I came back into the living room couple's therapy was on. The Trans person was explaining something about being a woman, and Joe Budden's facial expression was priceless.

I don't think I ever laughed as hard as I did when I saw that. It was a laugh I really needed to. I would think that this was a sign if I didn't know any better, but I know it's not. This marriage is over and I'm ready to go. I have had enough of the madness. I felt like I was in a twilight zone or one of those high-speed chase videos games where you had to start over and over and over. I am so tired. I'd like to lay down, but I'm extremely hyper from this day's events. Let me send my sister a text to tell her I'm okay. I sent Kendra a text to let her know that I was okay and that I made it home safely. I sat down and looked down at my floppy slippers. Sharee and I had the same pair. I sat and reminisced about them. I'm just glad they were able to get away from the madness for at least one night or two. 

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