Chapter 16

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When he came back to the house he went straight into the kitchen. He was hungry, he wanted a soda and sandwich, and he also wanted to spend some time with me. There's a shocker. I was still watching TV when my eyes darted in the direction of the front door.

"Gavin, what are you doing?"

"I'm fixing myself a ham sandwich and grabbing a soda."

 After he grabbed something to eat he came over to the couch and sat down next to me.

"The ride to the YMCA was completely silent; I tried talking to Sharee, but her cellphone was her focus. I tried talking to Angel, and she ripped my heart out, did a cute little tap dance on it and gave it back to me. After they got out of the car and didn't look back, I was ready to cry. I knew Sharee was pissed at me, but I didn't know to what extent. Angel, well she just shocked me. She may just be nine, I swear her soul is old and she's been here before. It reminded me of my mom, and she lectured me about the family unit, and keeping it together when we were first married."

"It took all of that for you to understand how much you have been hurting me, and them. Our children are extremely smart and intuitive. When we think they aren't looking they see and hear everything that goes on. I learned this from talking to Sharee. She ran away from home because you weren't here, and I was too busy worrying about where you were, to pay attention to her. She was hurting, and all she wanted was me and you."

"I know and I feel like a complete jack ass for not being here for you and them."

"What are you going to do Gavin? Have you made up your mind?"

"The question is have you made up your mind? You never gave me an answer about trying the polyamorous relationship."

I was just about to give him a piece of my mind, when my phone rang. I thought it might be my sister, but she wasn't supposed to call until later. It was someone I didn't know or a bill collector because all the numbers in my phone were listed under a name. I answered with an attitude. 

"Hello, who is this and what do you want?"

"Hello, is Gavin around you?"

I thought that was pretty odd for someone I didn't know from a can of paint, to be calling me asking me about my husband.

"Yes, why?"

"My name is Shantay, and I'm the other woman he has been seeing."

"Oh really?"

"Yes, but it wasn't intentional I didn't know he was married. I learned this recently. I asked him to let me meet you or at least speak to you, so I could apologize."

Gavin looked up at me and asked for the remote. I handed it to him and went into our bedroom. I wanted to hear what this woman had to say. My husband was good at keeping secrets and telling lies.

"I had to come into another room, so he couldn't hear the conversation. What lies has my husband been telling you?"

"That's just it he didn't tell me any of this until recently. I didn't even know about you all until maybe a week ago. He said he had something to tell me when he came in one night after we had dinner, and this was it. Married for nearly twenty years with a wife and three children. I tried to kick him out after he told me, but he shifted into a completely different person and snapped at me."

"Oh yes, he is good for that. When he doesn't get his way, he gets mad and shows out. It's like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde or David Banner and The incredible hulk, and it's very scary. I had been accusing him of being unfaithful for a while, one day he just snapped, grabbed me, and choked me."

"He really scared me, after he left for work the next morning I called a lock smith and had all the locks changed. He was very upset when his key didn't work." 

"Oh, so that is why he is here. You found out he was married and put his behind out. Well, good for you, he deserved it."

"He says he has something to talk to me about, and I'm curious as to what it might be."

He told the truth for once; she didn't have a clue about this polyamorous business he kept pitching me. She knew nothing about him wanting to have an urban version of sister wives. I'm not going to tell her either. I want to see where this goes. I was curious about one thing though. How did she get my cellphone number? Gavin watches his phone like a hawk. 

"How did you get this number?"

"I had to sneak and look in his phone after he got into the shower."

At least she was clever. I didn't think to do that, but then again he took the phone with him wherever he went in our house. 

"I asked him for a divorce, but he won't give it to me. I told him to go and be with you, but he started talking about all of this love business. Honestly, I don't think he loves me anymore. I just think he doesn't want anyone else to have me because we have been married for so long. He's been saying, we took vows woman. If you want him you can have him, I don't want to fight anymore. I'm exhausted and tired. I just want him to be a father to his children."

"I don't know if I can be with someone who has lied to me. Who in the hell hides a whole family for months? I am not that kind of woman to go around breaking up families. I've seen this happen before; it happened to my mother. Who's to say he won't do the same thing to me once he gets tired of me. No pun intended."

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